filler/ techniques

21 0 0

3rd pov

Setting unknown

David: hello viewers!! I'm so happy you have read this far into the story and like last chapter we have reached 150,000 words WHOOHOO!!!

David throws his hands into the air with a gleeful smile, his eyes sparkling with joy and excitement. Iris, braixen, kirlia and Lucario stood behind him with an equally happy expression.

David: now, in this chapter however is going to be a bit different. Me, kirlia, braixen and lucario are going to be performing our techniques you will be seeing in the future. The author of the story will be providing a title marked in (this style font) when you see those brackets that is the title.

Kirlia walked over with her katana in hand, she placed the blunt end onto her shoulder and looked at the viewer with a pink tint on her cheeks.

Kirlia: the author will be providing the location of the techniques and they can be found majorly on YouTube. Once again (when you see this) it's a title [when you see this] it's the YouTube video. Do you viewers understand?

The author gives a thumbs up. "I think were good. Also one more thing Kirlia, braixen and lucario all are capable of utilizing these techniques. Just saying it now."

David crossed his arms and pouted.

David: hey~ this is our bit. Stop it.

The author sighs and remained quiet. David huffed before kneeling infront of Kirlia, braixen and lucario walk over to David and stands infront of them.

David: you guys ready?

The 3 pokemon nod their head and quickly transformed, their hyperesonant bodies manifesting in a bright light blinding David and iris momentarily.

Upon transforming David faced the 3 pokemon with a smile on his face.

David: now, to help us demonstrate these abilities I would like to introduce our special guest Dialga!!!

A large portal above everyone opens with a powerful shockwave, it echoes through the ever expanse of the void before the silhouette of Dialga: the God of time arisen through.

With a earth shattering thud it lands infront of David and the others. It roars loudly before lowering its head in preparedness. Dialga huffed and glared at David.

David: alright... let's begin, first we'll start off with Kirlia. Since Seung kim and deuk cha has gifted us katanas we intend to use them as time goes on. Ready kirlia?

Kirlia hummed in glee before getting into a ready stance. Her eyes narrowed down before gripping the handle of the blade.

David: our first technique is called (sakura flash) from the sekiro mod [sakura arts by bandicoot] you can find him on YouTube. The Japanese translation we use to avoid copyright infringement is (sakura senko)

Kirlia brought back her katana and took a breath, fairy energy emerged from her body and began to envelop her blade in a shade of pink and red. She grit her teeth and roared.

Dialga prepared itself with glowing eyes.


Twisting her body at high speeds she swung her blade forward creating an elegant extension of energy forwards, 2 more additional blades chased after, sakura petals fell from the bladed extensions as the attack landed on dialga.

With a huff the legendary pokemon recovered as if it were nothing. Iris walked over with her hands on her hips.

Iris: for braixen instead of the attack being pink it would be a fire red and a dark crimson. Lucario as you would guess is gonna be blue and black. Our next techique is (one mind) otherwise known as (isshin) which can be found in the [ sekiro base game] also found on YouTube.

Iris nodded at kirlia whom took a step back and moved her blade akin to sheathing it. She took a breath and leapt forward swinging the blade in a left to right diagonal slash into dialga. Kirlia was standing infront of its feet.

Not even half a second later tens of blades made from wind erupted around dialga making if flinch, the blades continued on for a second until it ended. Kirlia ended the technique by slashing again in the same manner as she had started but with a more prominent after image following the blade.

Kirlia fixed her posture and leaped back to David.

David: good job kirlia!!! Now our next technique is called (Dragon flash) in the base game of [sekiro] the Japanese translation is (Souryuu Zankouken).

Kirlia drew her blade behind her shoulders as a gentle pink aura formed around the blade.

Kirlia: Souryuu Zankouken!!!

Kirlia swung her blade left to right diagonally downwards, it sent off a large blade made from pure wind, Dialga took the attack forcing it back several feet.

David: good. Next up were going to rapid fire the next 3 techniques because we are already 800 words in. I will list them off now. You can find them on Bandicoots earlier versions of [elden arts]

(Blade of stormveil) [elden arts]
(Arashi no bēru ha)

(Malcontent whirlwind) [elden arts]
(Fuman no senpū)

(Sakura dance) [sekiro base game]
(Sakura Buyo)

David: are you ready?

Kirlia nodded her head as she moved her blade like a sheath, the blade moved to her waist whilst she continued to look at Dialga.

David: GO!!!

Kirlia readied her blade and began to humm darkly, her katana glowed a deep shade of pink before she swung it diagonally towards dialga,

Kirlia: Arashi no bēru ha!!!

a dark pink blade of fairy energy struck dialga, she takes a step forward and does the same again. But kirlia bursts into a sprint as her blade darkens more, the pink became a crimson red with pink accents.


she jumps into the air and twists like a twizzlers before sending out contrails behind the katana, she struck dialga twice before landing. She huffs and leaps into the air as the shade of the katana returned to its normal pink.

Kirlia: Sakura Buyo!!

With a beautiful initiative she spun once in the air striking dialga with a pink circumference blade before spinning again, the blade darkened a shade once more striking dialga, she spun one last time at a steeper angle forcing dialga to use its energy to protect itself.

Kirlia landed and smiled in glee before returning to David's side humming happily in the process.

David: that's all we have at the moment, there will be another update with this that'll reveal all our techniques but for now this is all the author is willing to show..

Iris: but despite that we are very happy you have made it this far, however we have one thing left to talk about and it's incredibly Important.... it's lemons... yep you heard me.

Kirlia walked over with a pink blush.

Kirlia: yup, with the story being 61 chapters in and only a single lemon lime chapter introduced more lemons will be revealed in the future, if you don't like pokephilia you can skip the chapter as it will be indicated at the beginning of said chapter. Other than that I hope you all have enjoyed

Everyone gathered together and waved at the viewers reading, their smiles wide and filled with joy.

All: bye bye!!!!!

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