ch34 Worthy

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The battle continues to rage on, David and his pokemon hold bruises, cuts and gashes on their bodies while the champions pokemon are in a similar strait. Alder during the battle had fallen not dead, but defeated.

The quick and heavy breathing of David and his partners were evident, his eyes struggling to remain open as the palms of his hands radiated the elegant blue aspects of aura but it flickered every so often, the flames on Braixen's fur did the same as she tried to remain standing as for kirlia she stood firm but her tiredness was also clear to see.

David: tch... I didn't think we would last this long... against Champions in the first place huh?.

He turns to kirlia and braixen that stood next to him. Sweat dripping from their cheeks and chin.

Kirlia: this is so much more difficult to handle than the knights... it's no wonder their champions.... However if this was back when we first started the journey back in cyllage we wouldn't have had a chance.

Braixen agreed before she took a step forward and raised her fists in a boxing position. Her eyes narrow lightly as she glared at the other pokemon. None of the 3 showed any intent of stopping, they were going to fight for as long as possible, either until defeat or victory, however victory doesnt seem likely. All 3 could see that at least, they knew they won't be able to win.

David: heh... alright let's continue then.

David's fists flare with aura as the 3 prepared themselves to fight once more. But another ally would soon join the fight.

The quiet yet distinct sound of clicking and tapping caught David's attention. Kirlia heard it as well before turning around to see what made the sound. Her eyes widen subtly at the sight of a galvantula walking up to David.

Galvantula: Galvan.... tula tula ( it would seem you need my help.... do you not?)

David turned around to see the large electric tarantula standing beside him, the arachnids pedipalps sparking with electricity. David smiles a bit and takes a knee.

David: we do... and it would great to have you fight with us... I take it this means I'm worthy?

The galvantula hisses in approval before facing menacingly at the champions pokemon.

Galvantula: Galvan. (Yes you are despite you're reckless behavior.)

David sweatdrops a bit before feeling 8 legs beginning to move upwards onto his body. David using his aura found the intent behind the arachnids actions. The trainers eyes widen a bit from shock before smiling in confidence.

David: I see... heh, I understand what going on.

The galvantula humms lightly befor using 4 of its 8 legs to hang onto the upper torso and using the other 4 to grab onto the shoulder blades. David looked to kirlia and braixen whom were ready to begin once more.

Braixen: ready when you are David. Let's kick their asses.

David smiles a bit and stares at the 12 champions pokemon before lowering himself a bit. He forms his fists and takes off in a sprint, in response the 12 pokemon react by sending out beams of light towards the 4.

David: Dodge it everyone!!!!

David pivots on the dime and runs in another direction dodging aurorus' ice beam, and tyranitum's flash cannon while kirlia formed another blade of magical leaf's before enveloping it in fairy energy. However braixen used a combination of acrobatics with flame blast and solar beams.

Braixen cart wheels out of the way of Diantha's goodra's dragon pulse and cynthia's braviary's thunderbolt before taking a deep breath and blows out a beam of fire. Once over she sprints into the flames towards goodra and braviary with a ball of solar energy bouncing in between her hands.

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