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Hours would soon pass by and the walking through the cold forest was becoming a tad bit too cold for everyone. Braixen walked with everyone as did flareon and volcorona to heat the freezing bodies of everyone.

The skies above turned a dark white as a gentle flurry of snow started to fall. David looked up and raised a hand to the sky.

David: it's.. Snowing..

Kirlia looks up and does the same, the sensation of the flurry of ice petals landing on her hand made her hum. Her eyes glimmer in awe as a sense of nostalgia ran through her.

Kirlia: it's been awhile since we've seen snow, it's so pretty.

The others smile at kirlia's moment of childishness, David smiles and placed a hand to her head and softly pet her.

Alder: which means we're pretty high up in the mountains, it's autumn right now.

Alder too looked up until his eyes narrowed darkly. The unovian champion silently tapped iris' shoulder before pointing to the distance.

Iris sees it and taps lily and jenna's shoulder.

Iris: that's never good.. is it?

Hearing iris' wavy voice they turn to see what she was talking about. Everyone's eyes widen as the sight of rising black smoke rose high above the treeline. David's eyes narrow as he rose his rifle lightly.

David: no it isn't... maybe this is a similar situation to earlier, the charred earth field.

Lily: if it's similar then we need to be concious about wounded knights and pokemon... and a possible firefight.

David and kirlia look over at lily and jenna with a nervous expression.
Jenna hums a bit and raised her automatic rifle.

Jenna: yup, it'll be you're first time if it should come to it.

David remained silent as the group made their way to the rising smoke. The plume grew larger and the falling snow halted, the orange glow of burning fire grew increasingly evident as everyone got closer.

But this also brought about another issue: knights. But not the normal grunts nor scouts and commanders they have fought prior. These knights were by the literal definition.

They wielded rifles and were heavily armored, they traveled in squads around what looked like the wreckage of the airships that passed earlier.

David POV

As we got closer to the wreckages we all heard the voices of the knights shouting orders to the others via radio. We all hid amongst the bushes and trees, watching the knights walking around the wreckages.

Lily and jenna ran over to my position and kneeled beside me and kirlia. They had their rifles in a ready position with their fingers lightly above the trigger frame.

Jenna: heya, you alright?

I turned to jenna whose eyes were stern yet soft. She faced the wreckage in the distance as I answered. "I'm alright, it's incredibly nerve wracking."

Kirlia: yeah it is. It's kind of scary.

Jenna smiles and gave me a light pat on the shoulder.

Jenna: that's to be expected. We'll try not to engage in a firefight.

I nodded my head lightly. "Thanks jenna."

She smiles.

Jenna: c'mon then, we have alot of sneaking to do.

------- 3rd pov

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