ch58 Heaven before Hell

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The moon rose ever higher while the lonely mountain city was asleep. Occasional team flare grunts made their rounds as did the aether foundation members.

But a unique duo rapidly sprinted across the large halls of the mountain city. David and iris with hearts pounding and breathing quickened they ran.

The two along with jenna, lily and alder. The group was presented with a very unique and very important opportunity, the legendary pokemon and the creator of the pokemon universe Arceus gave them a mission that could very well prevent hundreds of millions of lives from being vanquished.

Arceus gave David and those mentioned to prevent the scarlet knights from invading and declaring war on a regional scale. They would do so by infiltrating Unova with the help of Giratina and its ability to traverse between dimensions.

Iris and David skid around a corner and bolted to the medical facilities and entered the room David was technically assigned too. They instantly gathered their things, clothes, toiletries, soap and shampoo and the rest of their stuff, David even dawned on his lamellar armor he was supposed to use for his pokevisions project he never got to finish.

Then they ran back out the door, accelerating their movements around the corners of the facility. Iris glanced over at David momentarily questioning his objective before they had to depart.

Iris: should we inform Gary or anita about this? Even deuk cha or Seung kim might be a good idea. They should know were leaving.

As the two ran David looked over at iris and responded.

David: chances are Gary and aita are gonna stop us, Seung kim and deuk cha are out of the city right now. We don't have time to tell them anything. Our best bet is to keep quiet until the champions find a way to break the situation to them.

His eyes narrowed gradually eventually becoming dagger like.

David: besides.... I have a feeling..... we should hurry up.....

David picked up the pace despite his injury, iris did the same as they spotted alder, lily and jenna across one of the many chasms across the city.

They ran to Erebors great hall, the large tapestries they saw when they first arrived, glowing ever prominently in the darkened halls.

David and iris were the first to arrive at Erebors entrance, alder and the twins following not far behind.

Jenna: you two get you're things?

David tapped his armor and katana.

David: I have, what about you three? Did you get everything you need?

Lily humms a yes as the group began to quickly run out of the city and down the dirt road outside. David's eyes softened in the moonlit night as he began to shout aloud.

David: giratina!!! Arceus has called upon us for a mission, we ask for you're assistance in this endeavor.

David's voice resounds through the area with a powerful echo, his voice faded off into the distance over the course of several seconds.

Then those seconds turned to a minute with nothing responding. David sweat dropped with a deadpanned expression. He blinked comically before stuttering.

David: heee~ d-did I do something wrong?

As if answering to his rhetorical question, a familiar voice called out to him followed by 4 presences.

Arceus: thus truly has great speed, I appreciate you're eagerness to begin this quest.

David and the others turn to face arceus as the deity landed following beside the other 3 deities. Dialga, palkia, and giratina. The 4 pokemon land before David and iris, lowering their head in a respectful greeting.

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