ch54 the fortified cities

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The sight of people on ATVS was a normal thing for people around Erebor. They would drive around don their own thing and assist the people of the fortress cities.

But this time however was different. Me, Kirlia, iris and seung kim were making way to one of the fortress cities surrounding Erebor. As for why? He needed to do errands and gather information.

We were instructed to remain nearby, we could explore eat foot and do whatever but as long we stayed nearby.

The roaring of our engines continues as we all meandered around trees, fallen logs and boulders while the silhouette of the city became prominent. My eyes widen in awe as we left the forests treeline and onto a dirt that led to the city.

"Woah~ this is so cool~"

As we approached the city the sights of large walls that surrounded the city became more evident, large cannons were mounted at several intervals with trainers marching alongside the top. My eyes sparkled as Seung kim led the way to a gateway.

He came to a halt with me and iris doing the same. Seung kim hummed lightly and hopped off the quad bike.

Kim: alright well. Were here, welcome to one of many cities of Erebor. Hop off and we can get started.

Time skip 2 minutes.

We had hopped off our quad bikes and entered the city, despite the obvious construction occurring around us the city truly was beautiful. The architecture was similar to the city of erebor if not slightly different.

The buildings were intricately built of chiseled stone while the rooftop were made of slanted wood. Chimneys littered the rooftops with smoke leaving the top.

I looked around with awe while kirlia sat on my shoulders with an equal amount of emotion.

Iris: so what is it that you need to do here?

Kim peered behind his shoulders and smiled warmly, with a gentle hum he gave us the answer.

Kim: I am only here to run errands, I need to deliver information to and from the cities, you two are here.... to have the upmost amount of fun.

Our eyes lit up happily, I looked over at iris and iris at me before facing Kim once more. "Can we?"

Kim laughs

Kim: go on kids have fun!!

He shouts with a hearty laugh, and in that instant I took iris by the hand and blitzed passed by kim. He turned around to wave us goodbye as we vanished in the crowd.

Iris and kirlia laughed in joy as the three of us maneuvered around people and pokemon alike.

Iris: oh my goodness theres so many places to see. Oh my, what do you think we should do first?

I looked around as we ran through the crowd darting my head left to right in order to find something for us to see. Until I saw a store selling outfits I pointed to it thus starting a montage.

3rd pov

David, iris and kirlia ran into the clothing store with smiles on their faces, they glanced around quickly excitedly talking about what they wanted to wear and try out.

David went with kirlia to the left and iris to the right, with sparkles in their eyes it didn't take long for them to find costumes and clothes for them to try on.

David and kirlia found themselves a beautiful suit and dress while iris found herself a kimono.

Iris: wow~ I gotta try this on.

With highlights glisening in the light they immediately ran over to the changing rooms to try them on. Iris went in one room with David and kirlia the other.

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