ch33 Lucario's hyperesonance

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The light finally died down and the battle between ash and everyone vs the champions resumed but now a new contender has joined the frey.

With the light now dying out David stands in awe at the new form Riolu had took, or rather. Lucario. David smiles as Lucario's aura flares violently before he took a look at his trainer.

Lucario: ....David..... Thank you

David nods his head as Lucario walked over and embraced his trainer in a loving hug, a stray tear forms in Lucario's eyes before they separated the hug.

David: you did amazing Lucario, you did amazing.

Lucario hums in joy as David wiped away the tear that had formed. The two embrace once more as their aura's flared harmoniously.

Their aspects of energy grew larger and slowly enveloped the newly evolved Lucario. The aura clouded his form until it became nothing more than a hard to see silhouette.

David takes a step back as shock filled his body. He could feel the pressure and weight of Lucario's aura and presence just by standing next to him. But as Lucario's form now began to change 1 main thing became evident.
Lucario's ears grew even larger beside his ears and tail.

David was at a lost for words as the aura lucario emitted continued to grow larger and more intense. David chuckled a bit before speaking.

David: you are amazing Lucario, I'm happy to call you family.

Lucario turned to his trainer and silently nodded his head before speaking, his voice sounding like a layered version of himself yet much lower and coarser, almost like a growl.

Lucario: as am I David....

He smiles as lucario walks to David's side and extended a hand towards him. David doesnt hesitate to take his hand, Lucario's aura flows into David giving him the intent to have a leap of faith.

David: alright... let's jump.

The two jump off the tower towards the ground at a quickening pace. Their eyes narrow as they now have joined the battle.

On the ground however was another story, beam attacks of various elements fly around and beside the pokemon and trainers of Ash and his friends but one thing was made abundantly clear: don't fuck with champions..

But in the center of the field was Braixen and kirlia going head to head with the champions signature pokemon Gardevoir and Garchomp.
The 4 pokemon engage in intense battle. Leaping over attacks, dodging underneath or to the side in order to avoid getting hit.

But despite in their hyperesonant forms this battle is very difficult and taxing for Kirlia and braixen.

Garchomp: Gar chooomp!!! (See if you can dodge this!!!)

In a split second decision cynthia's Garchomp strikes the ground with it's wing like blades creating a ground based dragon rush. Sparks of light and fire fling off the ground at high speeds. Braixen manages to jump over the attack and launch a blistering hot flamethrower at Gardevoir while Kirlia formed a sword with magical leaf and deflects the attack but still getting harmed in the process.

Dianth: Gardevoir shadow ball!!!

Gardevoir forms a ball of darkened shadows and used it to block Braixens flamethrower, the beam of fire branches off in 5 different directions behind Gardevoir in a very cinematic way. The two pokemon struggled for control, despite braixen being weaker she was by no means a pushover. Braixen's eyes flare a fierce blue as her fur flared out like a raging fire, waving with reminiscence of a wild storm.

Kirlia manged to scrape away from the dragon rush and blitzed towards Garchomp before engaging the dragon in close combat with her magical leaf sword.

Subtle flashes of light was emitted during the point of contact between Garchomp and Kirlia, it was such a spectacle to view that the other trainers and their pokemon often fell victim to distraction during the fight, and its obvious as of why.

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