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3rd pov

Kirlia had ended the story for the day. The trainers and their pokemon were resting at the moment. The sun was setting and everyone was getting ready for the next morning.

Kirlia and David sat next to one another just outside their tent with braixen and riolu scattered around the camp.

David pov

Kirlia: *yawn* kirlia kir? (When do you think we can start our journey again?)

Kirlia speaks tiredly obviously exhausted from the last couple of days. I pick up the petite pokemon and placed her on my lap.

"Let's hope we can get moving tomorrow afternoon, does that sound nice?"

Kirlia nods before leaning her head back against my chest.

Kirlia: kir... li lia (it does... you're folks are very kind.)

"Yeah they are. They've always been selfless, much more than I... my parents and them have been very close, they see happiness in the act of helping others, a trait that I've apparently inherited."

Kirlia smiles before twisting herself so she could face me. She hums and gives me a hug.

Kirlia: kirlia kir kir (and it was that selflessness that saved me and 60 others that day.)

My mind wandered temporarily to that day and the events after, the fairy type sensed it and nuzzled into my neck affectionately.

Kirlia: kirlia kirlia... kir li lia(you went back the very next day... and came back with even more exhausted pokemon. You saved more of us.)

Kirlia extended a hand and caressed my cheek, I returned the nonverbal gesture with a small smile. I wrapped my other arm around her and pulled her into a hug.

"It was the right thing to do. Even way back then, it hurt seeing the pokemon injured and in danger. When I saw you about to be consumed by the fire I knew I had to do something."

She looks up to me with her eyes glazed in the light of the now rising moon. "I couldn't see the same thing happen again so soon."

Kirlia: kirlia (oh David.)

Kirlia pulls herself closer to my chest and hummed, the horns on her head glowed a dim pink as her psychic energy rose a bit.

Kirlia: David, when we find some time. Let's just spend it with you me, braixen and riolu. Just the 4 of us for a day, maybe in the next town or city. We all could use the time to ourselves.

I nod in agreement before slowly starting to rise to my feet. Kirlia sensed my intentions and hummed in approval.

Kirlia: want to find braixen and riolu?

"Yeah. I'm sure they are also stressed about the whole thing. We gave them quite a bit of information about our past."

I laughed at the end of my last sentence a bit. Kirlia wrapped her arms around my arm as I held her bridal style before making my way to riolu who was at the rear of the ruined castle, the only standing wall of the rear.

(Refer to picture in ch18)

Riolu sat by himself with his legs crossed in a meditative manner. As we walked closer his eyes opened and nodded to our presence. He rose to his feet and stood in a way a knight would for his royalty.

"Are you alright Riolu?"

The pokemon nodded silently before walking up to us and gave me a hug.
A opaque aura was emitted from his body as his telepathy entered our minds.

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