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Perhaps an hour slowly went by, the fog surrounded us like a snake coiling around its pray. Kirlia remains in my arm while bonnie had fallen fast asleep. But for I, ash and clemont we remained awake and alert.

Fletchling: fletch fletchling. (There isnt anything. Not a sound nor whisper)

Ash's fletchling flew around the forest in a quick and stealthily manner before landing on his trainers shoulder. The small bird pokemon lowered itself clearly exhausted from the constant flying and searching.

Ash: you did well fletchling get some rest.

Ash carefully lifted the bird and placed it on his lap where pikachu also rested. He lets out a sigh before turning to me.

Ash: it's been an hour and no signs of anything. What do you think is happening?

Serena: I'm not sure, but I finally got bonnie to fall asleep. I guess the fog made it easier for us to escape.

Clemont: maybe, but we still have 11 hours of traveling to go.

Everyone let out a collective sigh as several fletchling and fletchlinger flies overhead catching their attention momentarily.

Serena: u-um so, what plans do we have when we arrive at shallour city?.

A smile returns to Ash's lips as he brought a fist to the air.

Ash: of course, were going to challenge the shallour city gym.

His voice held glee and excitement which brought everyone's morale higher then it was previously. But for me I still held Kirlia close and gently scratched her head still thinking about the words my aunt and uncle told.

The words of war still echoed in my mind and the only thing keeping me from losing myself in fear were the friends and family around me. Ash and the others voices dimmed a little as all thoughts vanished from mind.

I closed my eyes and gently lowered my head into kirlia, she gently rubs her hands through my hair in response and very aware of the fluctuation of my emotions.

Kirlia: David? Do you want to talk about it?

My lovers voice resounds through my mind without restraint. Her voice: Calm, soft and gentle.

Kirlia: the way you sounded when you told us, it sounded like you wanted to shout and cry...

It's because I do want to shout and cry... everything I've went through and all I've seen.... I never want to see it again but....


Kirlia spun herself till she faced me, she cupped my cheeks in her hands and softly smiled.

Kirlia: David... sweety... everything will be alright. You have me, Braixen and Riolu and a soon to be turtwig. Were going to be alright.

Her voice brought my inner turmoil to a stand still as I brought my hands to hers.

It's just.... I... I dont want to see it happen again... much less happen to everyone else.

Kirlia nods before leaning in toward me and plants a kiss to my lips.

Kirlia: I love you David... I love you so much.

I love you more.

A smile returns to our faces as we exchanged the "I love you more" phrase a few more times, each time our smiles growing more and more....

pokemon: War For LoveWhere stories live. Discover now