ch83 the mayor

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The next day passes and the airship sails through the skies, for in the far distance was the fortresses of Lisle, infantry and vehicles alike were moving across the ground. They were getting ready to support the defending forces in new Pennsylvania.

Matching with a stunning 20,000 coalition soldiers and additional 200 or so vehicles this was a smaller force to assist rather than to advance. Provincia was in a full delaying action, now they are holding their own at New Pennsylvania.

Both sides are locked in bitter strife as the scarlet force developed trenches east of the big ancient city. Death and destruction loomed on both sides with casualties rising quickly.

David was at the front of the airship, watching the mobilization of the coalition forces. His eyes narrow as he recalls a similar situation 2 weeks prior, back when they first met kiki. It was just like this: coalition forces mobilized for war.

David was silent and unmoving, this was because he is deep in thought like many times before but this thought was about the moving back and forth between objectives and not getting any of it completed, either it was before the scarlet knights were a thing and he was beginning his journey in kalos or it was now and everything is derailed by the chaos that is war.

David didn't like it, after a minute or so kirlia walked over and informed him of the immediate landing.

Kirlia: David, were almost at the city. Mr. Johnson is asking for us to get ready to help unload the injured.

David: I'm on my way. Thanks.

Kirlia could sense David's thoughts and agreed with them. So with a quick hug and kiss she spoke softly.

Kirlia: I want to finish them too. Be patient I'm confident we can do something soon. I'm sure of it.

David POV

After hearing her words and like many a time before I felt my heart flutter and with a smile on my face I leaned over onto my knees and gave her a quick kiss to the lips.

Her eyes widen for a moment but she soon melted into the kiss, we shared this moment of love and passion for as long as we could, after a minute we separated with a smile.

"Thank you Kirlia."

She giggles and gave me a hug.

Kirlia: your welcome darling.

Minutes turned to an hour and the sight of the massive fortresses of lisle came too, silhouettes of fast moving soldiers and vehicles below were quickly moving supplies to and from places and shouts echoed all throughout.

Myself, Kirlia and my other pokemon stood at the airships side as kiki parked the ship on a landing platform.

Johnson: were here kids, c'mon let's go.

Like he had requested me and my pokemon along with alder, the twin sisters and iris helped move the injured off ship and into the arms of medical professionals.

I felt something when moving the injured, like during the many battles and the destruction that came with it. A thought and an image came to my mind.

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