ch 18

46 2 0

3rd pov

The fire of the forest continues to grow out of control as ash and our heroes eyed their savior with pleading eyes.

The man looks at ash and the others with narrowed eyes and calmed breath. His very aura showed authority and veterency.

He hops off the electric mount and took a knee to the young trainers.

???: are you alright?!

Ash takes a step foreward with his exhausted pikachu in his arms. Smoke rising to the air nearby bringing a sense of urgency to the group.

Ash: yeah were fine, thank you. Were in alot of danger, could you help us?

The man nodded, he rose back to his feet. He points to the direction of the moon and spoke.

???: there are ruins of a small fortress, me and my wife reside there for the time being, head there and she will tend to you're wounds, but heed my warnings, Danger will be following close behind.

As he said that 5 mightyena erupt from the nearby shrubbery and immediately engaged in combat with the man. But however he had no intention to fight, he turns to the group and zebstrika and ordered them to run.

???: RUN NOW!!!

The man throws two pokeballs into the air releasing a Stoutland and Samurott.

Surprise was brought to the faces of our heroes as the two large quadruped pokemon eyed the group.

???: Keep them safe, I'll be on you're six.

The group nodded and began to run towards the moon the man staying a second behind them making sure the kids remained a safe distance from the pursuing mightyena.

???: tch, Zebstrika thunderbolt!

The zebra grunts and leaps infront of the group pivots on the ground to face the pack of mightyena before lashing out a destructive attack of lightning.

In mere moments 2 mightyena tanked the attack and fainted with 1 swift movement. The quick defeat of 2 mightyena surprised ash and serena as they loom to one another.

Ash: he'll be fine, riolu and braixen are with them.

Serena looks to ash and nods, smile forming and a light tint of pink forms on her cheeks.

Serena: you're right. David is a powerful trainer, we need to have faith in him.

The man overhears the conversation and listens before ultimately deciding to ask a question.

???: who is David? Is there another trainer deep in the forest?

The 2 look to the man and nod.

Ash: his name is David and he had been traveling with us. But a dangerous group that call themselves the scarlet knights have been trying to find him.

The mans eyes just barely changed but his emotions very much fluctuated. He takes a breath as he hastily asked where he was.

???: where is he located? The knights are not to be trifled with. They are a threat this world has never seen before.

They continue to run as the mightyena pack slowly gained ground the man grit his teeth as he yelled to the trainers and his pokemon.

???: all of you!!! Get on the pokemon, Zebstrika with me!!!

Ash and the others looked to one another as bonnie made no hesitation to hop onto stoudland along with serena.

Bonnie: well dont just stand there get on!!!

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