ch26 recovery and destruction

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It was early evening. Jesse and James had changed our bandages and I was only just maintaining consciousness..
Many thoughts swam in my mind as the trio of team rocket treated our wounds. Questions in my mind left unanswered for me.

As my thoughts ran unchecked James was the one to notice my solemn expression and thus he asked a question.

James: is everything alright? You seem distraught.

I nodded my head lightly. "No. My thoughts and questions are running around unchecked."

Meowth: well whatcha want to ask?

I took a breath before turning to face kirlia and braixen, my eyes soften upon their sleeping figures. "I have a few questions. But the one I ask interested in is. What is a pokemon hyperesonance?"

My question seemed to stump both Jesse and Meowth. They hadn't a clue what a hyperesonance was or if it existed, but in the mind of James he had heard of it before but not in a traditional sense.

Jesse: I'm unsure, that's not a word I've heard before. Meowth?

Meowth: nope.. sorry twerp.

The two looked to James who had an expression of thought.

James: well I have, I overheard it during a conversation before we left for... kanto... almost a decade ago.

I sat up slightly and eagerly listened to James.

James: from what I heard a pokemon hyperesonance is by definition a temporary mega evolution without the need of a key or mega stone. But... at the time it was only a hypothesis until-

James halted his speech. Everyone's eyes were on him until Jesse's eyes widen.

Jesse: the terminations and the attempted coup de' tat...

Jesse turned to me with narrowed eyes and a very ticked off expression. Meowth crossed his arms. With the evidence in front of me I already knew. "D-did you see who lead the coup? Any descriptions of the person or trainer?"

Jesse hummed before answering. She crossed her arms as she looked back into the past to recall the details.

Jesse: she had at the time waist length crimson hair, she wore glasses so I didn't see her eye color but she wore the standard team rocket uniform but I do remember her crazed smile she always had. As for her pokemon... she had a hydreigon.

I felt chills run up my spine as I shifted in my seat. I felt my heart begin to accelerate as i bounced my eyes between braixen, myself and kirlia.

"Oh no no no you met the monster. She attacked my village that's- she's the one."

My blood ran cold as I attempted to rise to my feet but failed, Meowth and Jesse helped me back down surprised by my rash action.

"W-where did she go to? Which way? Which region?"

I asked frantically, I felt my breathing quicken as team rocket helped me to my feet, but after hearing that this person was the reason for the madness occurring they saw that this situation was a bit more dangerous than they could've anticipated.

Meowth: woah woah twerp calm down. If you want to know where she went she went to kalos before moving overseas to the east.

"East? What's east? Unova.. she went to the unova region, do you know anyone in the unova region?!"

The trio shook their heads no. I began to sweat profusely as I stumbled out of the tent I was in before walking tirelessly to the pokemon center a few meters away. "Crap... um.. Jesse find my auntie and uncle, meowth try to find Ash and professor sycamore they should he here still."

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