ch78 a scarlet advance

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3rd pov

Far away from the ruined city of New Pennsylvania the coalition forces continued on in a fighting retreat. They were peppered by artillery, bombed by flying by bombers and torn apart by bullet fire and the attacks by mightyena and houndoom.

Many perished but thanks to the help of the local wild pokemon some were saved, but now they were in dire need to regroup. Leading the coalition forces was a Clocksmith similar to kiki's grandfather but he was a tad bit weaker.

His name is Sargent Johnson a tall muscular man with the natural affinity for battle. Armed with a beautifully crafted steampunk style marksman rifle he and his pokemon were something to be reckoned with.

In his childhood he wasn't one for pokemon and always found himself in the likes of books for engineering, Clocksmithing and gunsmithing. He and a small group was one of the reasons provincia were prepared to fight against the knights. His hometown: Orlandi were one of the first to send a coalition force to slow down the advancing scarlet forces.

It was then where he had aquired his team of pokemon. A Lucario, donning steampunk armor and like Johnson himself a rifle, A gallade with a similar setup, a victorisol, a chronobbit, a powerful tank of a zoruark with a powerful steampunk lmg and lastly a legitimate tank: Bastiodon.

It was these 6 pokemon that saved the lives of a hundred, perhaps two hundred people... or maybe more, but now they were on the retreat, scarlet forces were overwhelming every part of the frontline with monstrous numbers and no one knew where they came from. Sargent Johnson was maybe a week away from new Pennsylvania give or take a few days.

But now some good news back with David and the others. The Clocksmith had harvested a decent amount of crystalized energy and the group were onboard kiki's ship doing to engineering and thanks to a sudden interest in David, Kirlia, braixen and lucario they accelerated the process of the flak 88 anti airgun.

3 were being built now, 1 at the rear at the midsection of the airships island. And 2 on both sides of the deck. But thanks to the help of David kiki's airship was getting an upgrade, not only were there anti air guns. Now the process of a large gun at the forefront of the deck and lastly and to give credit to the Clocksmith 2 anti infantry weapons were put on the table. They were known as the soviet era 2b9 vasilek automatic mortar.

Now let's officially begin the chapter.

David POV

Only a day had passed since we harvested those crystals, and when the old man said he needed a small amount I wasn't at all expecting him to carry out 10 entire suitcases worth of cylindrical energy crystals. But turns out being a Clocksmith is a huge investment and they need supplies.

But right now myself and my pokemon were assisting kiki and her brothers with the assembly of the anti air guns. But one thing made me curious: what would they use for munitions? To answer that: pokemon. Creating a crystal is a tough endeavor but to energize it is an easier task.

Pokemon of any type can strike the crystal to energize it, an example would be ash's pikachu if he uses thunderbolt on the crystal the crystal would have electricity like properties, if we were to implement it into weapons ie, the anti air guns the guns would fire bolts of concentrated electricity into the air or into objects.

This same concept can be implemented to the rest of the coalition forces and they're weaponry, and we will be using it to defend ourselves.

Kiki: and there, one of 3 anti air guns... is operational.

Wiping the sweat of her brow she rose to her feet as I tightened the last screw were the barrel was. "We have 2 more to go, mortars and that 1 big gun."

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