ch56 the hot springs

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a series of rumblings shot across the city of erebor, the entire mountain shook as an intense training session resounded below. Trainers of all kinds including team flare grunts and aether foundation members, they watched on with jaws agape as a kirlia, braixen and lucario faced off against a Gardevoir, Garchomp and volcorona.

The explosions were quite massive and incredibly beautiful to watch. Sparkles of light flicker from within the plumes of smoke that are created as several humanoid pokemon backflip out and recover with katanas in hand.

David stood at one end with an excited grin on his face all the while his opponents were the same: diantha, cynthia and Alder.

The reason for this intense effort was the champions way of repaying David for helping them train for a bit. That "training" evolved into an all out bout.
Luckily for David the use of mega evolution and hyperesonance was off the table. This was to prevent anymore injuries he would otherwise sustain.

David: Good job kirlia, braixen, Lucario, Keep it up. Aura sphere, moonblast and flare blitz!!!

Speeding off once more towards the rising plume of smoke, braixen front flips into a hammer kick before releasing 9 infernal pillars of fire, blowing away the smoke thus giving way for Lucario and kirlia to engage.

Reading their blades the champions gave their moves for their pokemon to react. Gardevoir shouts aloud firing off 4 shadow balls at kirlia and lucario.

Kirlia dodged 1, cartwheels over another, sliced the third before launching her moonblast at the 4th making a smokescreen for Lucario to charge through.

The aura pokemons eyes narrow as a sphere of energy formed in his hands, he leaped into the air before spinning a 360 once slicing the sphere of aura into 3 parts.

Lucario: TAKE THIS!!!!

shouting with his telepathy he roundhoused 1 piece, grabbing/ throwing another before enlarging the third and plunging his blade into it before spinning once more in a 360.

The two small spheres struck Garchomp forcing it backwards. Lucario landed with a flaring katana. He breathed heavily, sweat dripped from his brow and chin before utilizing all of his energy with a final gambit.

Diantha: Gardevoir dodge it!!!

Alder: Volcorona flame thrower!!!

Cynthia: Garchomp recover and use dragon rush!!!

Lucario blitzed forward and readied his blade and with a beautifully constructed attack the pokemon performs several techniques in a consecutive order.

Lucario: SAKURA SENKO!!!

The garchono enveloped himself in draconian energy before flying towards the aura pokemon at high speed. Lucario side steps the attack and swung his blade, a dark blue slash forms striking the garchomp knocking it to the side.

Lucario maintains its speed and charged continuously forward. Then volcorona acted next with a torrent of glowing red flames. The heat waved the air as it quickly approached, yet unfazed by the impending attack lucario grit his teeth and swung his blade with a dark blue hue enveloping the blade.

Lucario: Hoshizora kizu!!!!

In a beautiful single step swing the torrent of fire split off into two separate directions enabling him to leap over the flames with a front flip. He lands into a combat roll as the Gardevoir readied itself as a sphere of pink energy manifested itself.

Diantha: Gardevoir rapid fire moonblast!!!

Gardevoir: Garde~!!!! Voir voir voir!!!!

Launching off several pink spheres of  condensed fairy energy Lucario heavily breathed and bursted off with another set of strength and speed.

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