ch86 The prelude

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In the center of the airships bridge was David, kirlia, lily and jenna discussing the plan for Nimbasa's infiltration mission.

Jenna: alright I'll go over the plan once more.

Placing a map of unova on the floor of the bridge jenna pointed to the outskirts of Nimbasa city.

Jenna: we'll be arriving at nimbasa city on top of entei, Raikou and suicune. The airship prior will land in the forest north of the city. David, you and iris will go together and extract the information and if possible take Meloetta with you too.

David: right.

As her name was called meloetta appears beside David and iris with a worried look on her face.

Iris: don't worry Meloetta we'll be fine. A quick in and out.

Although it calmed Meloetta, iris was underestimating the mission by a considerable margin. The mission would undoubtedly take days to complete and each hour will be excruciating and tiresome.

Jenna: let's hope you are right. The intercepted message although encrypted was partially deciphered by lethis, and the deciphered information is as follows. "We are in need of supplies..... high.... reinforcements inbound.... United nations."

David's eyes narrow at the words again: United nations. He knows very little about them and in his eyes it was the actual name of the scarlet knights or at least some variation of what they were.

David: United nations.. their it is again...

David sighed, getting iris' and jenna's attention.

Iris: you ok?

David nodded before responding.

David: during the sabotage a man get arrested and shouted about the United nations. Calling this whole ordeal wrong. He spoke about the execution of pokemon.

Lily and jenna's eyes narrow and for several seconds were slowly became nervous about the situation on driftveil.

Jenna: you said their was civil unrest in Driftveil and the man being arrested in plain view is evidence of it. Maybe we'll fine something in nimbasa.

David: I hope so.. I want to know the truth behind the knights, and I need to know about it.

Jenna sighs warmly and gave David a hug.

Jenna: and I'm sure you will, but you have to be careful alright?

After separating she ruffles his hair with a older sister like vibe. She giggles afterwards as David backed away and tried to fix his hair.

David: hey~ stop it~

After a quick giggle she stops and lightly hummed.

Jenna: sorry....

After composing herself jenna crossed her arms and spoke once more.

Jenna: we are landing in a few hours, go and get some rest you two. You will need as much as you can get.

David and iris share a nod before leaving the room, upon leaving kiki, jenna and lily sigh worriedly.

Kiki: the information said reinforcements, do we have an estimate on how many? If it's anything larger than a million provincia is actually done for and... we'll have to evacuate.

Jenna shook her head side to side and crossed her arms.

Jenna: I'm not sure, lethis and more specifically Winston Churchill is establishing a counter offensive by the river that cuts through new Pennsylvania and he needs to know how large the force is before he puts the plan into action.

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