A/N a scarlet review

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So, here is some outsider information regarding the knights. From the beginning to the present.

400 years ago the group known as the United nations survival program appeared on a far away island region and quickly took it over. However their ideology sparked rebellion within their ranks and called forth.

The resistance

The resistance containing close to 15,000 members rebelled and escaped the island region to the far reaches of the world establishing settlements across the regions but most prominently in the kalos region.

7 settlements in kalos

3 in kanto

3 in johto

1 in sinnoh

And 1 in Hoenn.

These settlements grew over the course of the 400 years.

250 years ago a monumental task f creating the resistance main headquarters was completed...

That was Erebor. At this time both sides began using pokemon rather than just weapons.

At the same time the United nations survival program changed and became under a new name: The scarlet knights.

Then the resistance fighters and the knights went off on a skirmish journey with one another for 237 years...

The day of David's birth was the day the knights made a big move and sent in members of their ranks into various organizations. Team magma, aqua, galactic, rocket etc, all the while the resistance went on the defensive and began to recreate technology from the world of pokemon. The kalos: arcane science. This was when deuk cha and seung kim established a foothold in unova as a set mafia known as the yakusa.

3 years later the scarlet knights made plans and blitzed the resistance settlements in order to kill everyone. But the resistance fighters were stubborn and fought back and the great majority remain standing but at some cost.

Which brings us to now. David inadvertently pioneered the pokemon competition of contests and performances and applied those ideas into combat thanks to the book seung kim made.

A/N I hope this timeline helped even if just a little.

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