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Ch87: Destruction across Nimbasa

Silently and swiftly they ran, with rifles and bombs on their person David and his friends ran through alleyways and backroads across the night city of Nimbasa.

David lead the mission with his eyes dark, cold and unwavering. He knew what he had to do, as did the others.

Their goal was simple and it involved in the detonation of every munition depo and factory in the city. Word had been sent to kiki about the situation and the revelation about the 5.2 million soldiers arriving from other world hellbent on provincia's destruction.

David, iris, kirlia and the others were not at all about to let that happen. David was not going to let those soldiers march into provincian territory without a steep price.

Minutes turned into an hour and in the very early hours of the morning David and his partners reached the first objective. An artillery supply depo, and with it trucks awaiting for clearance to depart.

David smirks and drew his silenced pistol before giving everyone the orders to split up and get to higher ground, Kirlia and Lucario swiftly arose to several rooftops and provided David with overwatch.

David with newfound vigor and revitalization in his heart ran forward stealthily towards the structures gate, several armed guards conversed with one another talking about a variety of topics.

David turned the safety of his pistol off and sneaked up behind the guards and drew his blade on the first man through the heart before firing several shots into the 2nd man killing him instantly. He then dragged the two bodies inside the guard booth and cut the lights within before making way to a few stacked crates and climbed atop them.

David: hows everything going you two. Where is Iris, grotle and galvantula?

David says as he reached the top and began to climb for the rooftop. Lucario responded with his aura.

Lucario: they are with us helping with the overwatch, if things go wrong we will assist as needed.

Kirlia: and nice takedown on the guards.

David hummed as he reached the top, he looked around and slowly sneaked his way to one of the rooftops large ventalation vents. He pulled out his sword and covered the blade with aura before striking the entrance quietly.

He hummed before removing the vent cover and climbed inside the ventalation shaft.

David: I'm inside the objective, anything to report?

Kirlia: nothing. Iris is a little worried after you descended into the vents.

David chuckled lightly as he slid to the bottom of the vent shaft before opening it to the inside of the main warehouse.

David: tell her it'll be alright I'm almost done arming the first objective.

Inside the main warehouse were hundreds if not thousands of crates filled to the brim with artillery shells and other consumable weapon: grenades, flashbangs etc.

He used the crates to his advantage and climbed down onto one before searching for a way to get to the warehouses center, it didn't take long for him to get the answer.

David bursts into a sprint and leaped across a large gap before combat rolling onto another large stack of crates, also filled with explosives. David bounced his eyes side to side and pulled out his IED before arming it, and planting it onto the top exposed crate.

And just as swiftly as he had entered the warehouse he was gone like a light. He used a different method of escape however and that was to sneak out the back door and run around the perimeter and back to kirlia and iris.

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