ch37 family

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After taking David and the others back to luminose city, he and his pokemon were scolded by nurse joy and iris. But that did little to sway them and they would be back to their regular antics the next night... and the next until finally 2 weeks pass.

10 days later.

The sun was almost up, the orange and yellow light of the sun could be seen just below the horizon in the distance. Everyone in kalos was asleep or getting ready for their everyday routine. All but a particular group of trainers.

Iris: oh my goodness where is HE!!!

iris exclaimed while scratching her hair. Cilan, trip and professor sycamore internally agreed that her tantrum was just, but it was also pretty annoying.

Iris: he did it again!! He's doing it every single day!! Ugh .... why are they training so hard...

Iris says calming down a bit.

Professor sycamore was driving through the forest that surrounded luminose city hoping to find David and his party in relatively safe fashion, but knowing David he's probably overexherted himself.

Sycamore: well.... you saw the state unova is in, chances are David is shouldering the responsibility. He probably thinks it's up to him to prevent the same thing from happening to Plainfield and unova.

Iris, trip and cilan looked at the professor with softened eyes, trip averted his eyes and looked out the window. Remembering his memories of running with his pokemon in a fighting retreat beside other trainers.

Trip let's out a silent sigh before pulling out a pokeball of his surperior. He looked at it and rubbed it softly.

Trip: does he really believe its just up to him? There are others that's gone through this, it's not up to him anymore so why is he thinking this way?

Sycamore thought about the question for a few minutes before finding the appro words to answer it. He takes a breath before picking up a small cylindrical piece of equipment and handed it to trip, it was a hologram that team rocket gave David. It held the information, tv and news footage of the beginning and mid stages of the unovian invasion.

Trip opened it up and saw the news footage unfurl before him. Everyone else saw it as well, they were reminded of what happened.

Sycamore: David has.... has had it worse than any of us, and still does. His parents were killed infront of him, his friends and cousins were hunted down and murdered and since David survived they are now hunting him with the sole intent of killing him and anyone associated. The scarlet knights burned down Plainfield and the many other villages, accord to Gary and Anita that is.

Everyone remained silent by the answer from the professor, trip's head lowers and formed a soft expression.

Trip/ iris: oh....

Sycamore nodded in silence before spotting quick movement nearby followed by the intense sounds of training. He puts the car in a higher gear before driving quicker to the location he saw the movement.

Sycamore: looks like we found them.

Iris now understanding what David is going through formed much more respect for him. The car drives for several seconds longer before coming to a halt with David and his party looking at them from a distance.

Iris and the others hopped out with their arms crossed, not necessarily in a good mood.

Iris: you better have a damn good explanation kid!!

David and his party sheepishly scratch their heads without saying a word.

Iris groans and walks over and glares at David, she scanned him up and down spotting more bandages around his arms, feet and legs. She groans again before taking a peak at the other pokemon whom had similar injuries.

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