ch50 battle of wills pt3

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Underneath the city of straighton lies a small pathway that once was a sewer system. It runs from the city to the various towns nearby and even to castelia city seung kim and deuk cha rnn from. However this system branches off into a man made tunnel towards the bridge that connects straighton and castelia.

This tunnel holds a massive hangar, this hangar was a holdout for seung Kim's mafia if his hold on castelia ever faltered.... and it did.

This hangar now is the final gambit for everyone. Their salvation, their escape, the airship within is what will save them.


The roars of engines and the shouts of people and pokemon alike resound through the hold. Pilots enter into their cockpits as the munitions were put into place.

Then one rose into the air, another follows then many more arose and flies towards the holds exit. The comms between each assault helicopter held roars of motivations.

The reinforcements were on their way to delay the advancement of the knights for as long as they can even if it meant their own demise. The squadron of helicopters exit the hold with great haste before quickly ascending into the air, pokemon from the wingmen were released in formation and followed the same path of the helicopters.

Back in straighton the collective smoke, debri and dust had arisen so high that it slowly polluted the very light the sun gave off. It became darker after each minute and it was only a matter of time until it became significantly harder to see.

David and the others stood on their perch and watched from afar. Some were resting while others were on the lower levels keeping watch for any advancements.

Kirlia stood beside David in her hyperesonant form active. Her wings closed and pulled close to her back as her pink ribbons softly flowed in the tainted wind. Lucario sat next to galvantula and turtwig talking amongst themselves to pass the time.
Braixen was in the adjacent buildings upper levels watching as well.

Kirlia: it's getting dark, were not going to be able to keep an eye on the knights if this keeps up.

David: I know, but with us at the front of their main force we'll know when their coming... all we need is patience.

Kirlia lowered her head and leaned onto David's arm. Her eyes closed before she extended a wing around her trainer. With a chuckle David reciprocated and leaned into her, sharing a beautiful moment in a very dangerous time. Jenna and lily spot the moment and smile in response.

Jenna: they are truly beautiful arent they, selfless to a fault.

Lily agrees and leans back against the wall the two were at.

Lily: yeah, we don't have much time left until the smoke completely blocks the light. We won't even be able to distinguish our shadows soon.

Upon saying this the audible sound of flapping could be heard above them. The twins, David and kirlia look to the skies to see a braviary flying towards them with a man on it's back.

It was seung kim and he looked somewhat pissed. With a quick landing kim hops off his braviary and approaches David and kirlia. Jenna and lily climb up the building to stand beside David.

Kim: you're David correct?

David nods his head.

David: I am, may I ask who you are?

Kim answered quickly, he handed a Smith breach loading long rifle to David along with the book he had acquired (in previous chapter).

Kim: my name is Seung kim, I'm the person that personally punched you're uncle in the face for not telling you things.

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