ch60 Mythical battles

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The early morning of unovian skies begin to brighten, the sun rises only barely under the treeline. The orangish hue of the rising sun brought David and the others awake their continuation of their mission to Driftveil resumes.

First it was David followed by kirlia and braixen, their sleepy figures stumbling out of the tent. David dawned his armor and blade while the two humanoid pokemon the same.

David: looks like the sky is clear, you know what to do. Lucario, galvantula, turtwig rise and shine!!

Tossing several pokeballs into the air, the 3 pokemon revealed themselves and also their sleepy figure. Lucario was wearing his chosen clothes.

David bounced his eyes to everyone and nodded lightly.

David: we spread out and cover a mile in each direction until everyone wakes up if we find anything of concern we return back here. Understood?

Everyone nodded their heads, prompting galvantula to attache himself to David's torso, kirlia stood by his side, lucario, turtwig and braixen nodded their head before making way southeast. David, kirlia and Galvantula westward.

Kirlia: if the skies are clear what are the chances the knights perform a scouting with the assault helicopters?

David answers immediately giving Kirlia some reassurance.

David: not very likely, we might find a scarlet atv scout but as long as they don't spot us we should be fine. Were almost 20 miles west from mistraliton city. They're not going to go that far into uncharted territory.

Kirlia hums lightly as she gripped the handle of her katana softly as she scanned the immediate area, the trees, bushes and skies above. Galvantula does the same with its 6 eyes.

Galvantula: Galvan... vantula, (who knows.... this entire mission is unnecessary,)

Galvantula hummed lowly, it's displeasure shown evidently. The arachnid pokemon sighs once more as the three ran through the forested mountain at a jogging pace, meandering around trees and fallen logs. The cool air evidently appearing in their breaths..

Kirlia: the mission is necessary, our intent is to stop and or prevent the scarlet knights from invading kalos.

Galvantula lowly grumbled grumpily, his eyes closed with a small hum ignoring the petite fairy type. David sweat dropped at the momentary arrogance of Galvantula.

Several minutes go by and they finally arrive at a mile out, David slows to a walking pace allowing the Galvantula to crawl off of him. The trio looks around the forest for any sort of disturbance.

------ meanwhile nearby

???: Melo... Melo.... Melo

The quick panting of an injured pokemon dashing through the air would break the hearts of many people. A gentle pokemon flees with it's life while several Mightyena gave chase with a Reveneon leading the chase.

The pokemon fleeing in question flies up into the trees, it's figure disappearing into a opaque silhouette stumping the chasing pokemon. Reveneon skids to halt as it soulless eyes scanned the area while the mightyena did the same.

???: Melo...etta (I have to... get out of here.)

Upon completely vanishing the pokemon flees deeper into the forest in the direction of Lucario, turtwig and Braixen.

The 3 pokemon have reached their destination and have spread out a few meters scanning the area for any sort of disturbance..

Braixen looks around her ears lightly twitching ever so slightly yet her expression remains calm. Turtwig wandered around in a figure 8 sniffing the ground and area.

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