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Ch81: Let the flames of war spread.

1 week has passed, and things all across the globe has escalated immensely, the knights have finally pushed the provincia coalition on the back foot thus forcing them to the abandoned city new Pennsylvania... where David and his friends remain.

With kiki and her newly modified airship everyone was happy as can be and going around the city for one last harvesting mission before they had to return to Lethis.

Thus the chapter begins with David, kirlia and his pokemon accompanied with iris jenna and lily. They were securing a perimeter around the laboratory since the sound of distant gunfire startled the old Clocksmith. Kiki was on the ship with her brothers and alder in wait for an emergency take off if needed.

Jenna: we should get moving soon, if that's the coalition we have maybe an hour but if it's the knights then-

Lily walked over and pat her sisters shoulder.

Lily: we will be fine, but yet I agree we should get moving soon. I'll go talk to the Clocksmith.

Lily left the group and into the main laboratory where the Clocksmith was harvesting. David was humming to himself with his rifle in hand, Kirlia, braixen and lucario were beside him with weapons drawn and lastly Grotle and Galvantula were nearby watching the distant horizon.

Lucario: do you think we should contact kiki for an emergency takeoff David?

David: no, if I'm not mistaken the battle is a fair distance away from us. Unless the entire city is being bombed I think we have time to calmly escape.

Jenna: the battle is likely 3 miles away and that can change very quickly.

David turned to jenna whom had her finger hovered above the trigger. She sighs and lightly ruffled David's hair.

Jenna: I really don't want to engage the scarlet army right now. We do not have the proper munitions to last very long.

???: not even with kiki's airship?

Turning around jenna and David see lily and the Clocksmith leave the laboratory with a large duffel bag of energy crystals.

Jenna: I'm afraid we don't, sure the large gun we have may destroy tanks and damage airship components but it won't last in a sustained battle.

The Clocksmith hummed.

???: then what do you propose we do with it? Kiki and her brothers have agreed to give the knights a bloody nose.

Jenna took a breath before facing David.

Jenna: well?

David was silent for a minute before sharing an idea.

David: with the weapons we have at our disposal I think it would be a wise decision if we utilized dialga, palkia and giratina to assist us with hit and run missions within scarlet controlled territories.

The Clocksmith chuckled lightly all the while mildly confusing iris.

Iris: wait what does that mean exactly?

Lily slung her rifle over her shoulder and answered her question.

Lily: it means we have a means of engagement. Guerilla tactics can be very effective if done efficiently, David has been on the run from the knights his entire life even though he's never known it.

Jenna: thus we rely on David's expertise in stealth.

Iris: I understand, when do we begin?

Everyone turned to David as he clicked the safety of his weapon off. He smiles before answering.

pokemon: War For LoveWhere stories live. Discover now