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3rd POV

An hour had gone by and the battlefield prior had gone through a devastating change. Once there was a lush and beautiful forest with brimming trees and bushes to a charred no mans land, ash fell from the sky as occasional plumes of dirt and ash arose into the sky from artillery fire.

In the midst of that artillery was the retreating coalition forces, battered, beaten, bloodied... and defeated...

People and pokemon alike retreated, from the frontline, artillery pieces to the mechanized infantry (mixed battalions of infantry and vehicles) they had suffered immense losses and the ONLY reason they were alive was that jess had ordered a seize fire in order to eliminate our hero: David.

And they themselves aren't doing so well, far off in an elevated position in the mountains, an aggron and Sandslash were engaged in battle with kirlia, braixen, lucario, galvantula and turtwig. David himself was engaging in a firefight with jess almost a mile away, they're fight was much more lethal and intense.

Bullet fire blitzed through the forest with injured knights and their pokemon suffered from crossfire. Sweat fell from David's cheeks, his eyes squinted from exhaustion and the unhealthy amount of smoke in his lungs.

Jess wasn't faring better either, she was already suffering from exhaustion far before David had even arrived so her limits were being strained and pushed.

But that's not what we are focusing on at the moment, our attention is being focused on kiki and her attempts to flee from a squad of flying battleships whose guns can level entire buildings and settlements in mere minutes.



330mm bullets rained down from above detonating on the already destroyed earth underneath.

Kiki: tch Damnit!!!! HAAAA!!!!

Shouting with pain she spun the helm portside, the airship took a sharp turn as battleship muzzle flashes illuminate the now night sky.

Jackson: //incoming another barrage!!!//

Through the steam powered pa system Jackson's voice echoed throughout the entire ship, including everyone on the outside. Alder and all of his champion pokemon were out. iris, jenna and lily were the same as all of they're pokemon were about defending the airship from being destroyed.

Jenna/lily: Eeveeloutions use calm mind and reflect!!!

All of the eeveeloutions took a breath and they're eyes closed, a pinkish golden aura began to rise off of their bodies before a massive spherical shield began to envelop the entirety of the ship...

The barrage of fast falling HE rounds arrive, 3 erupt in a fiery explosion upon hitting the shield and the rest fell beneath its shockwave causing immense turbulence.

Alder: tch, were getting nowhere.

Lily looks over at alder with a tick mark on her head.

Lily: ya think we don't know that!?


another explosion occurred nearby and another chain of turbelance fell upon the airship. Everyone held onto whatever they could fine so that they wouldn't fall.

Jenna: were open to suggestions!!

Alder sighs, iris looked on silently to the far distance where the chasing battleships were then she bounced back to everyone else.

Iris: how about we lose them in the mountain forests? Circle around and grab David, were small enough to loose them.

Lily and jenna shared a look before nodding at one another. Lily then takes off into the airships internals in order to find Kiki.

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