She's Trouble

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The party felt like it lasted forever. But by midnight and with no sign of my mate, we decided to call it a night. The more I am in this pack, the more I realize that is all a bunch of immature teenagers who are out to party and run around carelessly. So we took off, and headed toward the shack Kaiden told me he had seen.

"Babe, why don't you head into our room? Ricky and I will deal with this." Kaiden tells my sister. She looked ready to protest, but I know she was tired. She sighs, hugging us and saying good night.

We made our way toward the shack, walking under the moonlight. The forestry became thicker until we finally came up to a clearing. There, stood a tiny shack, badly shaped. The roof looked ready to fall, the paint chipping, and a few broken windows.

We came closer as her scent became stronger, but I growled when I got the scent of blood. "Ricky, I think she's hurt. Her wolf feels like she's agonizing, but I can't tell." Black suggests, making my blood boil.

I fisted my hands, picking up my pace. "Alpha Alarick. There you are." Morrison and his son say as they come behind us along with both of their betas. "That's me. Why are you looking for me? Is something wrong?" I asked, trying to mask the real reason I was down here.

"Well, to be honest, no. Actually, as you know, we are hoping to keep the peace with you. We are badly in need of your protection, and we wanted to offer you a few of our omega's as a peace offering to prove to you that we mean well. One of the omegas we planned on giving you lives in this house. But I'm afraid she's been a bit if trouble." Skylar says, making me growl.

"What do you mean?" I ask, fisting my hands.

"She's been defiant, getting into trouble any chance she gets, and even had a confrontation with my mate. She refused to submit to her new Luna. I'm afraid my Luna's guards had to put her in her place. Show how to respect her authority, you know what I mean? But don't worry, she promised to behave." he says, confidently. But something told me, something was off here.

"So you expect me to take her off your hands, so you don't have any more problems with her?" I say, playing along. I don't know what's at play here. But I can tell when someone is trying to bullshit me, and they were obviously trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

"Yes. I MEAN NO. No, of course not. But, Rick."

"ALPHA Rick." my beta, Zane says, making Skylar growl.

Skylar clears his throat, fisting his hands. He was fighting his wolf, I could tell, making the corner of my lips pull into a smile. I dare him to start something. I've been so on edge since I got here, I could do a nice challenge right now if he dared.

"Alpha Rick. I've heard of your notorious ways to train wolves in your pack. If anyone can straighten this mutt out,  it's you. I have no doubt about it. And if not, not that I doubt! You can always use a slave to do all the dirty deeds no one else wants to. Am I right?"  he adds chuckling, making me clench my jaw. How fucking dare he speak of my mate like that? Black threatened to merge, making me close my eyes to avoid letting them see my eyes darken. "Calm down, Black. We can't lose our shit right now." I warned him, composing my posture and clearing my throat.

I thought about it for a second. This was too easy. I feared that if my mate was part of their pack, they would think I was surely obligated to agree to train their warriors and protect their pack.

But now, I feel it's more at my convenience. If they were willing to give her to me, only as a peace offering, I still had a few days to think things over and have time to get to know my mate worry-free.

I can't tell you how many times people have tried to get me to do shit for them after offering something to me in exchange.

"So, this girl. You said she's trouble. How so?" I ask, making the two alphas exchange victorious looks.

"Well, nothing you can't handle, I'm sure." Alpha Morrison adds. "Ricky, something is not right here. I think our mate is badly hurt. Her wolf doesn't give me the vibes of a bad wolf. They're lying to you." Black mind links me, making me smirk.

"Very well. I'll tell you what. I'll gladly take her off your hands, but she will have to be taken to my quarters for the night." I say, making them give me worried looks.

"Alpha Rick, as I said, she is a defiant one. Plus, she's a bit hurt. She needs some time to rest so she can be ready to leave tomorrow with you in the afternoon. Well, that is, if you agree to protect our pack, I,"

Fuck. I knew this was bound to happen. Oh well- all for the sake of my mate.

"All in due time, don't you think? Besides, if she really is that defiant, I need to make sure she doesn't try any tricks on the way. If she needs to heal, she can easily do so under my care. What better place than my quarters, where I can keep a close eye on her? I need to make sure she doesn't try to escape or hurt anyone else in the process. Believe me, I won't be easy on her if she tries any funny business." I say, almost wanting to bite my tongue.

The least I want is to hurt my mate, but I need to sell this shenanigan shit show to them. "Whatever those she-wolves did to her, is NOTHING compared to what I'll do to her if she tries to defy me," I say, making Black pissed. "Relax, Black. I'd never hurt our mate, you know that!" I say, looking down to avoid getting my eyes seen.

"Well, in that case. I suppose it will be just fine, wouldn't you agree son?" Morrison asks his son, making Skylar clench his jaw.

"Fine. I will have my guards take her to your room," he says, making me smile.

"No need. I will have my beta and my gamma take her. I hope it's no bother, but I am quite particular about who I allow in the room I stay in. I hope there is no misunderstanding, but you know how it is? I need to protect my belongings. Not that any of your members would ever,"

"It's no trouble at all. If you will excuse us, then, Alpha Rick. I think we should all get back. I need to get back to my mate. The whole ceremony and the announcement of our wedding still had her a bit excited, but I'm afraid she's worn out. The encounter with this omega was too much for her, I should make sure she is alright.

I hope you will join us tomorrow for breakfast to further discuss everything. I wanted to thank you for attending such a special night for me, and my pack, of course." Skylar says, making me purse my lips and tilt my head slightly in courtesy.

"Believe me, it was all my pleasure. Thank you for inviting us. I've had a pleasant evening." I reply, gesturing to my beta and gamma to go inside and take my mate to my room.

The alphas take no chance. They walk the whole way back with us, making meaningless small conversations with Kaiden and me. But they forgot a great deal, the real reason we came, and to keep an eye on Kaiden's dad, Blake. If all goes well, he will be able to help us discover why this pack has been in the eye of the elder's council, and why they have motives to want to remove them. This was the real reason I came; finding my mate was just a big bonus.


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