Final Chapter

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(A few days Later)

"Be careful. Hold her head carefully. Oh...oh, Ricky!" I whispered as I gave my sleeping little princess, Brielle back to Ricky. I had just finished breastfeeding her, and she had fallen fast asleep. Out of all three of my pups, she was the tiniest one, but she was so strong. All three were picking up their heads and moving so much just hours after birth. They keep surprising me with how fast and strong they're growing and it's only been a few days.

We decided on the name, Alexander, which means Defender of Men for our first little man. Xavier, The Saviour for our other little man; and last but equally important, Brielle, Our Strength and Heroien for our little princess.

"I got her. I got her." Ricky whispers, taking her in his arms with such care. He had been away for two days, and just three days after I gave birth, he had to leave, making me feel uneasy. I've missed him so much.

It was as if the three could feel his absence, becoming uneasy and crying so much when he was not here. They eat like crazy, and they sleep so much but are equally active when awake. They are getting stronger and stronger by the day, just like Daddy.

Ricky kisses Bri on her head, rocking her slowly as he sits on the rocking chair. "I miss you so much, my little princess. Did you miss, Daddy? Yes, you did. Didn't you?" he sighs, kissing her head and placing his forehead against her head softly. I got up and checked on the boys. They were sound asleep, hugging each other. They were finally calm now that they could sense that Ricky was back.

"So, your dad is really left, huh?" I asked Ricky, making him look at me before signing. "Yeah. He's really gone, he promised he'd come to visit," he adds, making me feel a pang in my heart.

My father-in-law had announced a day after the babies were born that he was moving back to Italy. Several problems were happening out there and the King had asked him and two other retired alphas to step up and help him regain order. His old pack's territory was being challenged by an alpha who was too power-hungry for his own good. The last we wanted was for another Hector or Noah to take over those lands.

"Does he really have to leave for good? He'll be back, right? Why can't the king ask someone else?" I asked, getting teary-eyed. Ricky purses his eyebrows, feeling a bit saddened about his dad leaving too. "I know baby. I wish he didn't have to, but you know his thoughts. If you want something done right,"

"You gotta do it yourself." I finished his sentence, making him smile. I came to stand in front of Ricky and my princess. I kneeled, cupping her tiny head and kissing her forehead. "Right," he says, sounding a bit unsure. "I'm sure everything will get sorted out. We can always go visit too," he suggested, making me sigh, missing my father-in-law.

We spent the rest of our day together, trying to enjoy our three beautiful babies and not caring about the world, at least today. Life could not be any better for us. I felt complete, safe, and so at home with him and my babies.

Sure, we had our days when we disagreed and argued, but at the end of the day, he was still my Ricky. My husband who I love and would do anything for. And now, we have three beautiful babies that we call family, our family.

(Seven Years later)

"Mom! Mommy!" I hear my daughter yelling for me, making me peek my head out the fridge door as I try to look for the ingredients I need to finish tonight's dinner.

"Right here, baby. What's wrong?" I ask, seeing her face tinted with anger. "Lorie is being rude to me again. And Elijah broke my doll. I told you I didn't want to play outside. Can I please go back to my room? Please!" she begs, making me purse my eyebrows worriedly.

Lorie is the daughter of one of our members. She's a year older than Brie, and she likes to mess with her because my little Brie is a little smaller than kids her age. But she's so smart and has such a noble heart. I think Lorie takes advantage of that, making her feel belittled.

On the other hand, Elijah... he's Margot and Zane's oldest. Just a year after my babies were born Ricky was called out to help a pack that was under attack. Everyone in Elijah's pack died, unfortunately. Only a few kids and omega were left. Zane and Margot instantly fell in love with Elijah and they brought him back, adopting him just months later.

Elijah has had it hard to fit in with the rest of the kids but loves spending time with my boys. He protects them as if he were the oldest brother. He's two years and a half older than my boys, so they look up to him as if he were part of the family.

"Oh, baby. I'm sure Eli didn't mean to." I say holding my hands out and allowing her to embrace me.

She nestles her little head in my waist, hugging me tightly. "Brie," a little voice says, making us turn. Eli stood by the kitchen door, his little head low as he held his hands behind his back. "Go away, Eli. I'm mad at you," she says, making me smile but feeling her pain. "Brie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It was an accident." he says, wiping is little tear away.

He brings out a dandelion, holding it out for my princess and making her hug me tighter. "I will fix your doll, I promise. Don't be mad at me," he says, wiping his little nose, trying to fight back more tears. "Ok. But you have to be careful. My grandpa gave her to me from Italy. Please, Eli, don't break her again." she says, unpacking her little hands and taking the flower from him.

"I promise. I'm sorry, Brie," he says, hugging her and kissing the top of her head.

I have a feeling... a big strong feeling that he will be my daughter's mate. I could be wrong...but maybe... just maybe... I might be right.

I kiss both on their heads, allowing them to take z freshly baked cookies and let them go on their way. My little Brie decides she wants to go see Daddy instead and so we do. I take her in my arms and go to his office. I knock on the door and he responds quickly, "Come in," he says. I open and he greets us with a big smile as he sits with Hunter and his wife, holding their new baby in her arms.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, Princess. Look who's here? It's Uncle Hunter and,"

"Auntie Luna!" Brie yells, running to Hunter's mate and hugging her. "Hi, Brie. My Goddess, you're so big!" she says, looking at Brie with a big smile and kissing her cheek as she places her on her lap. E everyone has been keeping busy, and we haven't seen each other as much as before, but when we do, it's such a good feeling. Hunter has become like another brother to me and another uncle to my babies as much as Brandon. Little by little, we have all become stronger, as a pack, as a family, and as a person.

The omega that once thought she would die in the hands of a ruthless visiting alpha, is now madly in love with him. Yes, I love my Ricky, I love my pack, I love my family, and I would do anything for them... anything. As far a a is, concerned, there is no better place that I would rather be, than in this pack, surrounded by the people I love and cherish.

~The End~


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