Accept It, Or Not!

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Third Person POV

Hunter looks at Leah with a side smirk, sure of himself for rejecting the woman standing before him. She was a beauty indeed, but he knew better than to fall for a pretty face and a gorgeous body with zero care for the world.

"I do not accept your rejection," Leah says gritting her teeth and looking at him with anger.

He leans closer seeing her hands fisting and body shaking in anger. "I don't think I asked if you wanted to reject me, woman. I will not," he says, speaking in his alpha tone, making her become fearful. She takes a step back seeing him so close, "And I repeat... I will not be stuck with a mediocre mate like you. Now you can either accept my rejection... or don't! I can give a rat's ass." he takes a step back, fisting his hands to try and control his wolf who is also fighting the thought of being stuck with her and her Wolf.

There have been times when the human side of them will reject each other, but the wolf side of them will fight, feeling the pull of the mating bond. But in Hunter's case, his wolf Leo was fighting as well, sensing Leah's Wolf was just as snobby and arrogant as Leah was.

Leah's eyes became teary, and she was caught between hating him and wanting what he had. She could care less if he ever touched her, as long as she could take over as Luna of the Blood Moon Pack of the North.

She had been investigating for the past few days. Their pack was crazy wealthy, just like Alarick's pack. They were filthy rich and she was not going to pass on the opportunity to have it all.

"You don't even know me! How can you just reject me like that," she says as she sees him turn on his heel, ready to leave.

"I know plenty of you," he growls, looking back and making her jump in place. His eyes were dark and fierce, making the scar on his left eye seem more scary. "Alarick is my best friend. I know everything I need to know." he turns back to her and walks closer. "How you treat people. How you treated his Luna. How you manipulate people to your benefit. The least I need is some manipulative, narcissistic bitch mistreating my people. I will repeat myself, and think wisely about what I will do next because I will not tolerate anyone trying to freeload off of me and my pack." he roars, standing so close she can almost see the darkness of his wolf's soul.

"I, Hunter Black, Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack of the North," he says in his alpha tone once more, making her fear for her life. "Reject you, Leah Harrison, to be my mate and Luna of my pack. Do I... make myself clear?" he says, making her tears fall freely.

The anger surges through her veins. She had never felt so humiliated in her life as she did at this moment. But if he was not lying about being Alarick's best friend, then he knew everything about her.

It was at this moment that she felt a tiny bit of regret for how she had treated Livie in the past. Maybe if she had treated everyone else like shit and been a bit nicer to her... just maybe her plans of being the mate of a milli0naire alpha hadn't backfired right now. But the moment had passed, and she became more angered, feeling hatred overtake her toward Livie.

It wasn't fair. Why did that mutt have all the luck? She was nothing. One- she had always hoped to be rich, and have a rich alpha mate. Preferably, Brandon. Ever since she was little, she had dreamed of being his mate. Why did life have to take him away from her? She grew up hating Livie, thinking in her mind that it was because of Livie he was gone.

Thus- taking away her chance of becoming his mate. On the night of the rescue, she thought that the heavenly scent of her mate was coming from Brandon, but she was wrong... it was Hunter.

She was love-struck at the sight, seeing him standing with his expensive suit and strong masculine physic. He was just a bit taller than Skylar, much more muscular, and looked much wealthier. And she wasn't wrong. Skylar had nothing anymore. No territory, no money. For all she cared, Madelyn could have him.

But she also found that Hunter was cold-hearted, and wouldn't think twice about killing anyone. She saw it that night of the attack. She saw how he ripped one werewolf after another to help Alarick. He didn't even seem phased about how that expensive suit was ripped to shreds.

She also had to ask him about that damn girl he was protecting so much. "Maybe it was his whore. It had to be. That's why he doesn't want me because he already has a chosen mate! But no... I'm his mate, not that stupid girl." she thinks to herself, gritting her teeth furiously.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? She says as the mating bond continues to break. Filling her chest with pain. She holds her chest, heaving with pain and making it hard for her to breathe as the tears continue to fall.

"It's because of that stupid girl you were with that night I met you, isn't it?" she says as her breath becomes staggered.

"What?" he asks, dumbfounded. "That girl..." she cries. "With the long blonde hair. She wore a ripped blue dress. I saw you. I saw the way you were protecting her. I saw how you ordered your men to take her to safety." she complained, making him realize what she was talking about.

He begins to laugh mockingly, throwing his head back in amusement. "That was my sister, for your information. And I don't have to explain anything to you. Do you understand me?" he says, taking the pain of the mating bond rejection rather well.

Leah sees no other way out. She's angry, more than she had ever been, but she sees there is no other way around this as the dreams of becoming his Luna fade away. She closes his eyes, holding her chest as her cheeks are stained with her tears. "I, Leah Harrison, former Luna of the Silver Moon Pack, accept your rejection and forfeit the position as the Luna of The Blood Moon Pack of the North," she says, shutting her eyes tighter, crying uncontrollably and fisting her hand over her chest.

She falls to her knees from the pain in her chest, leaving her feeling weak. Hunter feels the mating bond break, and he feels the pain in his chest, but he fights through it as his wolf takes some of the pain away.

Before she is able to open her eyes, Hunter is already gone, leaving her feeling deflated, broken, and alone. For the first time, she had tasted the same bitterness she had caused in many others.

To make matters worse, she realizes Evelyn had been standing close by and witnessed the rejection. She wipes her tears in anger and stands on her feet, walking with her hands fisted. "Leah... I am so sorry,"

"Shut up. Get out of my fucking way," she says walking past her. There was no way she was staying around. The guests were slowly arriving, and the last she needed was to see how everyone would mock her for being rejected.

She would get revenge one day, it didn't matter how long it took her, she would take revenge on Hunter and make sure to keep fighting for what she wanted. For what she thought she deserved.

She goes to her room, gathers her things, and sneaks into Skylar's new room seeing everyone was too busy with the party to take notice. She knows his combinations and passwords, so she takes advantage, transferring thousands into an account she had secretly opened, grabbing all the cash he had in his safe, along with all of the jewelry inside, and sneaking out of the pack house.

With Skylar's keys in hand, she places her luggage and goods in the trunk and speeds off. She was sure that by the time they realized she was gone, it was too late for them to catch her.


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