Luna Material

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Third Person POV

The days for the two lovebirds went by peacefully for the most part. Livie was thriving with her studies, and practicing to fight. She was becoming one of the best. She was even gaining the required weight the pack doctor had asked her to since she had arrived at the pack so thin and malnourished.

The pack loved being around her, they looked forward to being around her and making small talk with her. She was someone they admired, not just because she was like a celebrity to them, but because they saw her efforts. They saw each day how she tried so hard to accommodate every one of them, tending to her responsibilities and going far and beyond with her work.

She was learning new thinfscesch day, and the smaller kids looked up to her with loving eyes. Especially Alarick. He was madly in love with her. He thanked the goddess every night for her, kicking himself forever thinking wrong of the moon goddess because she had taken so long in bringing Livie into his life. The wait was very much worth it, and he would do it again in a heartbeat.

But the word was spreading far and wide about his new Luna, and he feared that if another altercation erupted between Alpha Skylar's pack and the Rogue King, he'd have to step in again. What if the rogue king went after Livie, to retaliate against him, for meddling? Would he have a choice? He didn't want to put her in harm's way, but if it ever happened, his biggest fear would be if he would be able to protect her.

The last he ever wants is to see her get hurt. He'd rather give his life than see her in harm's way.

As they lay in bed, he softly caressed her delicate skin, listening silently as she slept in his arms. It was becoming his favorite place to be. But duty calls. He glances at the clock next to her stand and sighs, seeing the time. It was a bit past six in the morning. Time to get up and get ready for work.

He slowly pulls his arm from under her, causing her to stir a little. He pauses, leaning in to kiss her lips, smiling as he sees her lips pull into a smirk. She was his kryptonite, indeed. If he didn't get going, he'd not be able to control himself again. Not after the little number she wore to bed last night. Her beautiful curves made him melt the moment he saw her in that taunting black lace lingerie.

The timid, shy, and vulnerable Livie was becoming a wild woman in bed, and he was loving every minute with her.

"Ricky, don't leave me," she says, waking up, and making him smile. Her arms wrap around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. He chuckles, kissing her neck where his mark was, causing her to moan softly. "I don't want to, baby. But duty calls. Come on, we need to start the day." he says, making her groan.

"Five more minutes. I'm still soar from last night," she says, causing him to chuckle. Maybe he was a bit rough last night. But suits her right for turning him on with sexy lingerie. How dare she wear such sexy numbers and not expect him to get turned on?

"If we stay five more minutes, I'll only end up pounding into you again. So unless you want me to spread those pretty legs of yours, we need to get ready and tend to our duties, Mrs. Dannely."

Those words... The sound of his last name referring to her as his wife caused showers down her spine. She loved the thought of marrying him. Surely, for humans, it would be too soon. I mean, meeting a man and sleeping with him, with the thought to be with him the very same day and wanting to marry him a few months after and having his pups... Crazy right? But in a world of werewolves, it was called- fate.

She knew he was her forever, just as he knew, she would always be his. She bit her bottom lip, looking lovingly into his eyes before pulling him in for a big kiss.

It took them great sacrifice and effort, but they managed to get up and get ready, rather than have hot steamy morning sex.

Once showered, dressed, and ready to go, they made their way for breakfast, saying warm greetings and good mornings to everyone. Once they were done eating, she warmly kissed his lips to see him off to work.

Obviously, his office was right in the pack house premises as well, but he was always overloaded with endless piles of paperwork and meetings, so she gave him his space to work while she dealt with her own duties as Luna of the Dark Moon Pack.

"Olivia. Good, I find you, sweetie. Come, I need your thoughts. See, Alarick has asked me to choose a good wine for your Luna ceremony, but, my mind is unsettled between two choices. So, you are going to help me choose today." Lucian, Livie's father-in-law says as he lops his arm around hers and pulls her toward the elevator, and presses the last floor where the wine cellars are located.

It was the first time she would c]visit the cellars, and she had tried to think of an excuse to visit the place to see it. Her jaw drips the moment she sees the doors open. The wine cellars were almost endless. So many different wines of all kinds, dating to more than fifty years. Lucian took pride in his collection.

Surely, the two choices he had taken into consideration were of great value, not just monetary, but personal value. While his wife had still been alive, she had chosen two wines. One, for the day Molly would be married, and the other, for when Alarick would marry as well. But the fact Livie was the new Luna of his pack, had a special sentiment he could not leave unseen.

This was a proud moment to cherish, and surely, the festivities had to include a wine worthy of their new member, worthy of being their new Luna.

He grabs a beautiful black bottle with gold handmade engravings on the bottle. He sighs, admiring the bottle, and smiles. "This was the bottle my wife and I drank on our wedding day. It was the same bottle she was drinking the day I met her. She was oblivious to my presence, as she silently cried. She had just lost her father and her mother had thrown her out of their pack." he says, with sadness in his eyes.

"I'd give anything to see her one last time. My life was chaos before I met her. And I wish anything to make her come back to me. I gave her my entire world, and in return, she gave me two. This bottle is precious to me, and, it would be a great honor if you chose this as your choice of wine for the night, seeing you and Alarick will also be trying the knot." he says, chuckling through tears he fought back.

Livie couldn't believe he was actually considering giving her his most precious wine for the night of her ceremony and marriage. She hugs him tightly, thanking him, and crying in his arms. She had longed for so long for a hug from her dad, and Lucian was by far the closest thing to one. She felt the love of a father in him. "I would be honored to serve this wine, Lucian. Thank you."

"Mia bella ragazza, è il mio onore. Possiate voi e mio figlio essere benedetti dalla nostra dea per l'eternità." he says, making her smile as a single tear rolsl slowly down her cheek.

(My beautiful girl, it is my honor. May you and my son be blessed by our goddess for eternity.)


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