Say Goodbye To Your Luna

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"You act like you fucking care for this bitch. Since when have you ever cared for her, Evelyn? " I started coming to. I had a terrible headache. I knew what was happening right away as I looked around slowly to not give myself up I could hear the desperation and annoyance in Leah's voice.

"I don't," Evelyn says, shrugging her shoulders and lifting her hands in defense. She knew I was alert, and I nodded, letting her know to stay quiet. "I just... I care about you, ok? You have never seen me as a friend, but I do. I don't want you getting hurt. Leah, I should have stopped you when you left. It wasn't right, you and I know it. Please... just put the knife down. You're stirring up the wrong pot here. The Dark Moon wolves are not to be reckoned with, and you know it."

To everyone else, my body was still not in full view, they couldn't see I was conscience, not even Leah, since her back was toward me. I stayed down, acting as if I was still out cold.

"AAAAAAAH!" I hear a screeching scream coming from in front of us, making my head throb. I hear people running toward us. But my heart stops when I see Leah holding a knife and standing close to me, making me realize we are close to the edge of a cliff behind me. "No!" I whisper out, as I see the look of panic in Ricky's eyes.

"Leah, no. Please... don't hurt her." Evelyn says, pleading with Leah and making her growl loudly. "Everyone stay back!" she demands, threatening with the knife. I need to get away from the cliff before I get hurt, or worse... My baby could get hurt. She takes a few steps forward, and I bite my bottom lip in a bit of relief. I scooch without her noticing, and I'm holding on to a thick root coming from a mature tree to have more stability. Even if she tries to throw me right now, I can still hold on to the root, keeping me from falling.

She is really pissing me off. I'm tired of being pushed around by her. I thought I made myself clear to her. I a, not the same weak omega she once thought I was. I am not weak anymore, and it's time she knew this.


I hate this. I hate having to not be able to do anything, I fear if I get too close, Leah can push Livie off the cliff. If Livie doesn't wake up or do something fast, I'm going to make sure Leah doesn't live another day. I can't... I can't do this.

I take a step forward toward Leah, despite her protest to stay away, and walk slowly trying to control my Wolf. He's equally pissed off. "Leah!" I yell out, making her stumble as she gets startled.

"Ricky!" she calls my name, making me growl in anger. "What the hell do you think you're doing with my wife? What did you do to her?" I demand in my alpha tone. "Now now, Ricky. I'm doing us a favor. You'll thank me later on, trust me. She's not the one you want." she says, making me growl.

"It's taking a lot in me to not finish her off now. " Black growls. "How would you know that? She's my mate, Leah. Like it or not."

"NO! She's not the one you want... trust me. I'm way stronger, I'm smarter, prettier..." she says as she begins to cry, her voice breaking. She is still hurting from one of her legs. That's probably the leg Hunter said she had a big branch stuck inside her flesh.

"SHE'S. MY. MATE, LEAH!" I roar, making her flinch. "No." she sniffles, holding her knife up in front of her.

"Leah put the knife down," Skylar says, making her look at him. "Shut up, Sky. You traitor. You changed me for this stupid fate. You swore to love me forever, did you forget?" she yells at him, pointing the knife at her.

"Leah, please... you don't want to do this," he adds, making her cry more. "Why not? She is the reason my whole life got fucked up. You and I had a perfect life together before she came back into our lives. It's her fault!" she yells, pointing the knife at Livie, looking straight at Skylar.

"Leah put the knife down. Let's talk." Brandon says calmly, making Leah startle. Her expression softened. She looks so hurt, so torn. "Bran.... Brandon. I.... I,"

"Let's talk, calmly, ok? What you really want is me, not Livie. Right?" he adds, walking calmly toward her, gesturing me to step back.

"Brandon, I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry. All ever wanted was you. I loved you. You were the only one I have ever loved. I prayed every night to our goddess to bring you back and make me your mate. I wanted you! No one else. I... I would even settle for being a mistress, as long as I was in your life." she mumbled through her tears as he got closer and closer.

My eyes widen as I see my Livie stand up, as she watches Leah take a few more steps forward toward Brandon. K could tell Brandon and her were communicating. Her eyes were dark, and she looked so pissed. Brandon stops and holds his hands out for Leah as she begins to cry in sobs, putting her knife down to her side.

"Leah, you're a nice girl. Any guy would be lucky to have a beautiful mate like you. Except," he adds as he slowly takes the knife from Leah and throws it in the back of him. "I could never for the life of me choose a mate so despicable," he says, making her eyes widen in shock.

"What?" she asks with pain in her eyes. "See, Leah, it doesn't matter how pretty you are. Because... you are beautiful, I'll give you that. And you're body... it's fuckable. But," he says coldly, tilting his head.

"Even with your brains, which you say you have. Even with all your beauty... it doesn't take away the fact your... a bitch." he says coldly, trying to kill time. Livie is getting closer, and getting ready for her last revenge on Leah.

"Look around you, Leah..." he says, gesturing to the multitude. "You have amazing parents. They might be poor, and weak. Worthless omegas... As you say, they are good people, and very humble, and the nicest people I have ever met." he says, pointing to her parents who are crying and holding each other.

Despite all of her doing, they still love her and have told me countless times they have hopes for her to make a turnaround. "Look at all of your old friends... you were the one who turned your back on them, Leah. Not them... you. If you only learned the true meaning of friendship. The true meaning of love... then maybe, I could have considered you. At least.... For my whore." he says coldly, making her fist her hands.

That was cold, even for him. "I. I hate you, Brandon."

"Ditto, sweetheart.," he says, tilting his head and smacking his teeth. "You are just as pathetic as your sister. You should have stayed dead, like your mother," she says, making him growl.

He's ready to launch at her, but Livie stops him. "No. This is my battle. I'm the one she came after, isn't it?... Leah." Livie says as she walks toward Leah calmly, her eyes closed and poised.

Leah's eyes widen like saucers, making her turn toward Livie.

"Didn't expect me to see me awake so soon, did you?" Livie says, making everyone breathe out in relief. "Baby, be careful. She's unpredictable." I mind linking her, making her give a small chuckle. "I got this, babe. No one puts our baby in danger," she says, making me feel proud.


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