You're Safe

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I had asked Molly through our mind link to look forward to my beta dropping off my mate in my room. She was eager to see her, but she didn't expect the state she was in. I haven't seen her myself, but I think it isn't good. Molly keeps crying, mind-linking me every time she sees a new bruise on her.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck walking to these dickheads. We pass a nice-looking home with flowers, a picket fence, and a cherry blossom on each front porch corner. It was rather pleasing to the eye. It was a very lovely looking charming home, if I may add. "Well, this is where I leave you. Good night to the two of you. Sky, I presume you can handle things on your own starting tomorrow," he says, making Skylar clench his jaw.

"Of course. Good night, Father," he says, turning and continuing to walk. Alpha Morrison clears his throat and nods toward me. I nod in response and continue walking, but Skylar is soon by my side again. There's not much of a conversation after that.

He and I have nothing in common to talk about. He's still too immature and power-hungry to run this pack but lacks the passion and wisdom. In my pack and Kaids, we had to undergo numerous studies, learning the names and backgrounds of every member, past and present. And believe me- it was a lot. Kaiden's pack is easily over seven thousand years old; ours is about a thousand years younger than his. It took us about three years' worth of study for all of our history and family trees.

But- it was worth it. It gave us a new perspective, learning to love and appreciate every pack member. We value them equally. Dad always had a saying, the same one I hear Blake say: a pack is only as strong as its weakest member. So, we ensure all our members are treated equally and trained equally. Whether it's a warrior or an omega, they all learn to fight and defend themselves.

"Very well, I think this is where we split up. Again, if there is anything we can help you with, please let us know. I hope you have no trouble with this...girl." Skylar says as he looks toward the hallway and grips his door knob.

For a pack that has been bringing in a lot of money, they have an awful small pack house. I didn't think much when I saw the houses coming up here because many of my pack members have asked permission to live independently, but I can easily fit over four hundred or more members in my pack house... I noticed most pack members left the house after the party, though. Only the alpha, the beta, the gamma, and their mates stayed behind, along with two other girls. I saw the same girls following their luna like puppies at the party. I guess maybe they were her guards.

Not even Morrison and his leaders live here anymore. I mean, I get it; Dad wanted to move out as well as soon as I became the alpha, so I did the right thing and turned our south portion of the pack house's attic into an excellent bachelor's pad. Dad refused to take a chosen mate after Mom died and preferred it this way. He said unless he ever found a second chance mate, he had no desire to replace her.

I respect him for that, but sometimes I wish he had moved on. I want the old man to be happy and have a partner to grow old with when he reaches old age.

But back to this pack, most packs even have enough space to eat meals together. From what Kaiden was telling me, they eat outdoors to accommodate everyone. At least their kitchen looks an appropriate size. But come on, learn to invest your money correctly, man!

These guys dress in luxury while the rest of the pack dresses normally. But, that's none of my business- for now. I have my ways to conduct my pack, and it has been successful up to now. I learned well from my dad and Kaiden's pack. His dad and uncle are top investors with significant assets worldwide.

Kaiden and I follow their steps, ensuring our packs are well off. From the leaders to the last omega, we make sure they are all well taken care of and don't lack anything, down to the smallest of necessities.

I nodded, walking two steps and hearing him open his door, but I stopped. I wanted to prick a needle and get the snake rattled a bit. If I had to spend the night awake, looking after my mate, I'd make sure he didn't sleep well either. "Let me ask you something. Why haven't you made any modifications to your pack? I mean, you guys have been submitting reports to the council of massive monetary amounts. But I noticed your pack members don't reside here. Why is it that? Don't you think the weakest members, like the omega's, will be safer if kept under your protection? You should have your pack modified to fit them in the pack house, wouldn't you agree?" I asked, making him grip the doorknob tighter.

"Alpha Alarick, not everyone likes to sleep in a house filled with scum. I like my house clean, that's all the omega's are good for anyway. To clean, right?" he says, making my blood boil. He was so wrong. His presumption of what a pack is- was so wrong.

"Right. I guess you got me there. Good night to you." I say, tipping my imaginary stetson and walking away toward my room. I will not keep on arguing with someone so ignorant. Someone who doesn't care about their members well being.

He closes the door, and I hear him murmuring under his breath, making my lips smile. He's pissed off, but hey, if my pack is to protect his ass, he better realize I mean respect. He will not boss my kids around. And if I can help it, he'll have to learn to respect his pack as well.

I make it to my room, eager to see my mate. I don't know what to expect other than that I trust Black. If he says our mate is harmless, then I believe him.

I open my door, and I am immediately hit with the sweet smell of orange blossoms and peach. Black becomes content, acting like a small pup who just got his favorite lost toy back. "Most of her wounds and bruises are already healing, but she was crying a lot. I had work to do on her, so she's worn out. Make sure she sleeps the rest of the night. In the morning, give her five drops of this tincture inside a warm cup of tea. It will probably make her sleep until we get her home, so don't worry if she's unresponsive." Asher says as he and my beta stand up, giving me directions.

"How bad was it?" I ask, concerned with her.

"Two broken ribs on the left, one on the right, head trauma, dislocated shoulder, broken right wrist, slashes from a sharp object on her legs, hands, and abdomen,"

"Ok. I get it. They tried to kill her." I said, becoming infuriated. "Where's Molly?" I ask, concerned with my sister. She was crying hysterically earlier. I wanted to make sure she was ok. "Kaiden took her. She's asleep. I gave her a sedative, as I did with Livie."

"Who's Livie?" I ask, making them chuckle as they exchange looks. "Olivia, your mate," Zane adds, making my heart skip a beat. I walk toward her, brushing my fingers delicately over her arm. She stirs lightly, making me retract my hand.

"Alpha, I don't think she's defiant. She kept murmuring as Asher and Molly healed her. She kept saying something about earrings. That- she didn't steal them. And...begging them to stop."

"I see," I say as my hand's fist clenched my jaw in anger. Black is equally angry, threatening to merge through.

"Find out what you can. I need to know who did this to her. See if Blake found anything. We'll leave early in the morning, before noon, so be ready." I say, making them both nod.

"Please, no more," she whispers, turning her head lightly. I brush her hair behind her ear, seeing pain in her face. "Livie. It's ok. You're safe now. I will never let them hurt you again, I promise." I say, making her sigh in her sleep. Her expression softened, and I sat next to her, admiring her features and thanking the heavens for her.

"She's absolutely beautiful. What am I going to do with you, Livie? I know you'll be a great Luna. I can feel it. You're strong, but do you know that?" I ask her, though I know she can't answer me. My fate is now in her hands. I hope she wants me. I don't think I can face being rejected. I've been waiting for her for nearly a whole year. I hope our goddess has kept her promise and fated me to someone willing to protect my pack alongside me.


Alpha Alarick (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now