No One Touches A Dannelly

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Over the next few days, Hunter and Kaiden had stayed to sleep in our pack, making me smile as I would wake up each day and see all the boys together, enjoying their company and eating breakfast together.

Despite their responsibilities and all the pressure they have to live by, they are all still big goofballs. I love seeing their interactions and how they mess around with one another, pranking each other and being so silly. Deep down, they are like any other young adult, still experiencing, still learning, but with loads of responsibility on their shoulders.

They would goof around during practice, putting traps so one of them would fall and laugh hard when the trap was followed through with perfection. Needless to say, the ones that fell for most traps were Kaiden and Hunter. I laughed so hard, my cheeks hurt.

Skylar was changing. He was no longer the stuck-up, immature asshole that once rejected me. I was happy to see how he was growing, maturing, and finally being a man. He treated Madelyn, his new mate, with the love and respect she deserved. He was spending a lot of time with my brother, while the contractors finished rebuilding his territory. But his main reason for following Brandon around, was because he was trying to convince Brandon to take over the pack. He was going to have to step down as the alpha anyway. He had been ordered by the council to return the pack back to my family.

But... my brother being the stubborn hot head that he is, was reluctant. He didn't want to leave his people or his territory. He'd worked hard for the land he had proudly bought with his hard-earned money. Being a rogue was no excuse for him to work hard and strive.

But, since the territory he bought was close to the Silver Moon pack, Ricky had the idea of offering Brandon help in buying the land in between the Silver Moon and his to expand their territory. Brandon wanted to keep a close eye on Noah, and what better way than to hide in plain sight? Noah never knew how close he was. He never had a clue. Plus, the road to get to his pack was way on the other side of the mountain because of restrictions.

If Brandon accepted Ricky's help, he could build a new pathway or a road to join both territories. He could finally build better homes for his people and not hide under tents to stay hidden.

All we had to do, was convince him to take Ricky's help.

On the other hand, Brandon was over the moon with Ella. And he was being so respectful and caring with Ella's little sister, Kayla. He went as far as making a special dinner for them one night, where he asked Kayla for permission to be with Ella and made Kayla a promise, that he would always be there for the two of them, no matter what.

Ella's dad was not found culprit of any of her stepbrother's deeds. So she still feared that he could come after her or Kayla in retaliation for her step-brother's incarceration. But my brother was a wise and powerful man who many have learned not to cross. We'll just have to keep an eye out for Alpha Swan either way.

Oh, and the last I heard from Ricky, all the alphas that were taken into custody under the King were already begging for their lives as they were treated with the same disrespect and horrors they had treated all the female werewolves. The King took no mercy on them, making sure that every one of those alphas spent the rest of their days regretting everything they ever did. Especially when he found out that they had enslaved young werewolves, making them work like dogs. The king was infuriated when he learned one of his faraway nephews had suffered at the hands of one of these alphas. He was enslaved for nearly six months, mistreated, beaten, and starved.

Needless to say, that Alpha, was having it worse than the rest.

Lucian Dannelly, my dear father-in-law has been going out most nights. He's close to the king, so he has been going often to visit him, and helping him keep order in the dungeons. My father-in-law has been retired since Ricky took over. But he can still throw a mean punch if needed.

As for me, I am very much content. Taking care of my Luna duties and helping out my pack members has never been so easy and satisfactory. They have been the best family I could ever have, and I know my baby will love it here when our moon goddess finally allows me to give birth. He or she will be loved, cared for, and pampered by everyone.

I chuckled as I sat at the edge of a comfy chair, holding a hot cocoa with a warm blanket over my feet across the finish line of the training session. Ricky was running with a big smile as he emerged from the forest where we trained, first in line as always. I chuckled uncontrollably as I saw what he was walking into. It has been difficult for the boys to make him fall for any of their traps.

He runs, sprinting comfortably toward me as I cover my mouth as I am unable to control my laughter. My brother, Kaiden, Hunter, and Zane rush out of nowhere toward him, holding paintball guns and hitting him with shots all over his body.

Ricky is taken off guard and tries to cover up but to no avail. He is covered head to toe with colorful shots all over his body within seconds, making me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. He finally gets ahold of Kaiden's gun and begins to shoot back, hitting them back with all the colorful shots. I couldn't help but hold my stomach as I continued to laugh so hard I nearly spilled my hot chocolate.

It was a sight to see, I love watching them being kids. Even if it's for a short while before we all have to go back on duty and responsibilities.

Third Person POV

Lucian, being a close friend of the King, decides to pay a little visit every night to the king's dungeon. A cell in particular has become one of his favorites... Noah's cell, to be exact.

He walks swiftly to his cell, making sure to not lose control over his wolf who is ready for the taste of tonight's blood. He wraps his gloves over his hands, tightening the velcro strap tight and wiggling his fingers to ensure a good grip.

"Alpha Lucian. Good evening, Sir." The guard greets him, lowering his head respectfully as he opens the gate and stands to the side, to allow Lucian to step inside the next security checkpoint.

"Good evening. Is the king joining us tonight?" he asks, stopping in his tracks and turning to face the guard as he fixes the other glove on his hand.

"No, sir. The king will be out for the night. He is visiting a friend you both have in common in the North-Eastern territories, Sir. He asked that you forgive him for leaving early and requested that you travel with him tomorrow if you are able to. The plane is ready at your disposal." the guard says, not lifting his head in respect to Lucian.

"Hmm. Very well. You may close the gate. I won't be long." Lucian replies, turning on his heel and walking at a steady pace.

Another guard opens the silver door to Noah's cell, making Noah's goal in anger. "You again, Have you not had enough? How much longer must you torture me?" Noah says as he sits in a corner, cowering away as he sees the guard closing the door behind Lucian.

"Until I am sure that my beatings have engraved in your fucking head that you never..." he says as he grabs Noah and begins to throw punches at his face. "To never!" he says as he throws another punch. "Touch!" another punch, filling him with a bit of satisfaction as he heard the cracking of his jaw.

"A Dannely... EVER. AGAIN!" Lucian says as he gives a menacing growl, making Noah grunt from the pain.

"You messed with the wrong pack, boy. You never touch a Dannelly. Understood?" he finally says after he has had enough of beating Noah into a pulp.

Lucian's voice is staggered. He took his frustration out on Noah more than most nights. He lets go of Noah, letting his unconscious body fall with a thud. "Fucking loser," he says as he fixes his coat, runs his fingers through his hair to comb it back into place, and unwraps the velcro around his gloves, taking them off and wiggling his fingers to ease the pressure.

He taps the door, and the guard opens it, whistling as he sees Lucian's work on Noah. "Damn. You got him good tonight, Sir." the guard says, making Lucian give a simple grunt. "Just a little. He'll have a few days without seeing me. I just wanted to say bye before, I take off with your boss for a few days." Lucian replies, making the guard chuckle.

"Make sure he gets a good meal in the morning. He'll need it to recover for when I get back." Lucia says as he walks away without looking back at the guard.

"Yes, Sir!" the guard replies, closing the door to Noah's cell and standing back on his post.


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