Wake Up To Reality

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Leah was slowly waking up. She had a throbbing headache, and couldn't help but grunt as she got up. "What the hell am I doing here? Where am I?" she asked, oblivious to what had happened back there.

Evelyn and I look at each other. I sigh and get off my chair, going next to her as she held her hand up to her head. "You're in the infirmary, you got knocked out pretty cold for a good three hours, babe. How are you feeling?"

"Waht? What the hell do you mean I was out cold for three hours? What happened?" she asks, looking irritatingly at Evelyn. "Girl, what do you think happened? I'll tell you what happened, you got your ass kicked by none other than the mutt," she says, making Leah yell.

"What? No... I was winning. I had her on the ground. She... She hit me with a bat or something. I felt it." she says, making me close my eyes and sighed.

"I beg to differ, Leah. But she knocked you out good. Two strikes to the face, a kick to your stomach and that was all it took for you to fall to the ground." Evelyn adds, mockingly as Leah looks at her, fuming with anger.

"No. No, it's not true," she says, trying to get up but whines at her headache. "What the hell? Why do I have stitches?" she asks, but her forehead had already healed. It was just the small pieces of thread that were yet to fall out.

"She cut you pretty good on your forehead. Don't believe me? Look for yourself! There's a video someone took, going around. I think Alpha Rick had it removed from social media, but I saved it in case you wanted to see it." Evelyn adds I am already getting irritated.

This girl is bad news. I don't know why the hell Leah keeps her around. "Let me see?" she replies, grabbing the phone away from Evelyn before I can stop her. Her eyes widen in shock, and I could tell her is furious by the dark look in her eyes. "Aaahhhhh!!" she yells, tossing the phone across the room and smashing it to pieces.

"Hey! That's my phone." Evelyn says, crossing her hands over her chest, angrily. "Enough!" I say, making Evelyn look away, frustratingly.

"Leah, you just have to realize that Livie,"


"Whatever," I say, sighing.

"This is just a sign that Alpha Rick is a good trainer. Olivia is good. And she has passed your abilities in just a short time. Imagine if we had the chance to train with them daily. How good you would become. You could help me protect our pack from the rogue king. And maybe this would make him stop attacking our pack." I say, excited to ask Alpha Rick to train my pack warriors, my mate, and myself.

"The hell I would. They can protect themselves. And I don't need training. I went to train with the king. He's the best there is." She yelled from the top of her lungs, making me angrier by her stubbornness.

"Wake up, Leah. This isn't a game, ok? We are not in high school anymore. Daddy is not going to come and save you like he always has. You are the Luna of my pack, and it's your obligation to protect the rest, not hide behind closed doors every time we get attacked." I was tired of this.

It was now that I realized, that even with all of my work and dedication our bond was not getting any stronger. Even after I chose her as my chosen mate, we were not becoming stronger together. I don't feel our bond as I did the few seconds I was close to Livie. I don't understand it.

Rejecting Livie and mating with Leah should have united us. She still bares my mark, and I can feel her wolf. Her wolf is fighting to stay with me. It's Leah that is indifferent to us. What else a, I supposed to do? I'm trying so hard to stay afloat. To protect my pack, and to stay faithful to her. But what else can I do? What the hell does she want from me?

"I'm trying, Leah. I really am... What else do you want from me? I feel like we are drifting apart bit by bit." I said, calmly, but inside, I was crushed.

I get we are still young, but we've got no time to mature. Not in our world. We must take responsibility when they are given to us. The attacks on my land are killing my members faster than I can protect each one. But Leah is too preoccupied with trying to have a life full of luxuries and freedom for others' expenses.

I stormed out of her room and walked. Where? I don't know. I just kept walking, trying to clear my head from all the rage I was feeling inside, until I came up to this beautiful manmade lake. It was fairly large, and it was so cool there.
Many members of the dark moon pack walked around, kids played, and teens gathered playing sports, talking, and laughing together.

This is what I long for. A safe pack, with happy members. I want to be able to protect them and make their lives better. I'm tired of seeing my own members with higher ranks act so entitled. But I can't blame them. I acted the same, and we all learned these ways from my father. How I wish we were young again. Young kids when Livie's mom was still alive, and her mate was still with us.

Everyone acted so much different back then. It was like... We all lost our sanity the day she and Brandon were gone. I lost my best friend and our pack... Lost itself.

"Alpha Skylar." A deep voice brings me out of my trance, making me turn toward them. "Alpha Lucian. Good afternoon, sir." I greeted him politely.

"You seem lost in thought. Is everything ok? How is Luna Morrison? I heard she was hurt during practice?" he asks, making me grunt in embarrassment.

I had to tell him what had happened. But his old age made him wiser than I thought. He knew something else was bothering me. There was just something about him... Something that told me I could open up and talk to him. To just... Let it all out.

So I did. I told him my worries, my concerns, my fears... Livie... And Leah.

"So. Let me get this straight. Before my son found Livie was his mate... You were supposed to be her mate. But- you rejected her?" he said, unbelieved. I was too ashamed of my actions to look at him.

I lowered my head and nodded, making him sigh. "Kid, do you have any idea how lucky you were to get Livie as your mate? And you let her go. And all for what?" his words stung, but I know he was right. I see that now. But it's too late.

Only our goddess knows why it needed to end this way. She is better off in this pack. She looks strong, healthy, and happy.

"The thing is... It doesn't matter how much I try, my mating bond with Leah is not getting any stronger. I thought it was, but... I don't feel anything. The spark is not there. When I touch her... My skin doesn't feel like it's being filled with the spark. I don't... I don't understand."

"Has she found her mate yet? Because I hate to break it to you, son. But until she finds her mate, if she hasn't given up on the idea of finding him, I'm afraid your bond with her will never be genuine. Your mating bond with her is not strong because you are not her chosen mate. It doesn't matter that you mark her or mate with her. She is still hoping to find him. And if she does, nothing guarantees you that she will choose you over him." he says, placing his hand on my shoulders.

It was like a cold bucket of ice. I felt more lost than I have ever felt before. My life clings to that day when Leah finds her mate. If- she ever finds him. Lucian is right. What if... What if she chooses him over me? All of my efforts to keep her by my side will be in vain. But I guess I had it coming for going against the mating bond and our moon goddesses' most precious gift to us.

I envy the way Alpha Rick and Livie look at each other. You can see that they love each other, and are stronger as a couple now that they are mated. One day... I hope I have that with Leah. If not, my life hangs in the fate of our goddess.

I am now tasting the other side of fate, and believe me, it's utterly bitter and full of sorrow. Full of regret.


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