Justice is Coming

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"I'm a bit nervous. What do you suppose we will find in there? Did... did they say when we can go and talk to Brandon? When can we see him?" I asked as we stood in front of the entrance to the territory that belonged to Brandon. It was pretty rural, but it was well maintained, and looked very decent.

The entrance looked the same as if you were waiting authorization into a private estate, with the long mature trees, the stone and steel gate with matching walls. But it was different once you were inside. The gates opened, and we were greeted by elderly men who bowed politely as the y stood to the side to let us go inside.

"Miss Olivia Dannelly, alphas, please, come inside. Our eldest is waiting for you in our main camp sight." The place didn't have houses, but was set in camping grounds made of white tarps, still elegant and so, but livable. There were various houses being built though. It looked as if my brother was working very hard to give these people a good home.

Ricky held my hand tightly as we walked carefully inside the territory, observing our surroundings. There were kids, women, and teens no much older than 18 just like me. My heart became overwhelmed, they looked horrified.

I couldn't help but become teary, holding my hand up to cover my mouth as a whimper escaped me. A little kid hid behind a young girl, holding onto her leg as if for dear life. I didn't want them to be afraid of me, to be afraid of anyone. I was going to keep my brother's promise and make sure that they were well taken care of while he was away.

I was so thankful that my father in law, Lucian had promised to take care of all matters and make sure Brandon was free in no time. "Don't be afraid. We're not here to hurt you, any of you." I said holding my hand out to the little kid and then looked at everyone around us, as they looked at us like a trapped rabbit.

"Where is Brandon? What happened to him?" A little girl dared to ask as she clutched onto a little rag doll. "My name is Olivia, but... you can call me Livie, for short." I said through my tears, smiling at her.

"Where is Brandon?" She repeats, looking as if she was on the verge of crying. I couldn't help but cry as well. I sighed, wiping my tears. "Brandon is my brother. He... he's going to be gone for a little, but he's going to come back. I promise, ok?" I said as I went to stand in front of her and bent my knees to her eye level.

"Is he ok?" She asked, letting her tears run down freely, clutching her doll tighter. "He is. I promise." I said, rubbing her shoulders and hands soothingly.

"Livie!" I heard a man's voice behind me, making me turn. I turned, and my eyes widen in shock as I see a man in a wheel chair. His hair was long past his shoulders, and his beard was long touching his chest. His clothes tattered, and eyes dark brown with hint of black.

I couldn't help but gasp in shock. "D... dad!" It had been years since the last time I saw him. And surely, I thought he was dead, surely... that's what Al-ha Noah had said.

"My beautiful girl. It's really you." He says as he begins to cry. "Daddy! It's... it's you!" I whispered through the lump building in my throat.

I couldn't help but run to him, hugging him tightly around his neck. He let out a chuckle through his tears.

Son of a gun. Brandon had said there was a big surprise for me here in his pack... but this!

"Daddy, it's really you." I said, crying in joy. "Oh, my beautiful girl. Look at you? You've grown so much! Brandon was right when he mind linked me. You look so much like your mother. You're so beautiful. I missed you so much." He says, cupping my cheeks in his hands and looking at me through his tears.

"But... how? Alpha Noah said you had killed yourself. I thought you had left me. I was so alone without you, daddy."

"Noah! That.., good for nothing imbecile. He... he stole the pack from me, Livie. It was all an act to take the pack from me, and take your mom away. I was supposed to die that day, not your mom." He says, looking at me through painful eyes, crying and holding onto the wheels of his chair.

Alpha Alarick (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now