Chapter. 79

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"But I am not impressed with you……"

Hearing this, Shravya's face completely lost all her colors in a blink. She doesn't understand what she did all of a sudden because of which Adhyay told her all this. She blinks her eyes as though he is joking with her, but there is no line of a slight smile on his face. She asks him with a shiver running out in her body.

"Adhyay….. "

Adhyay immediately turns his palm in front of her, seeing that Shravya places her hand on his palm. By extending his grip on her palm, he signals her to come toward him.  Shravya also stands silently in his demanding way and goes to stand in front of him. He holds her by her waist and makes her sit on his lap. He asks her immediately, looking into her eyes while lightly stroking her cheek with his thumb.

"At my behest, this drink was placed in front of you when you did not want to drink it thinking that it might be alcohol but that's how I asked you to drink it, you didn't refuse me without any question and just accepted my word and drank it even though you didn't feel like drinking it at all…. Are you afraid of me …. "

Shravya starts looking into his eyes.  She knows what Adhyay wants to ask her, she puts her hand on his mouth and, looking more closely into his eyes, tells him.

"I drank this drink, not because of your fear, but I know if I had drunk alcohol by mistake, you would have taken care of me. I do not doubt that I feel very protective myself around you….. and this is my trust that never says anything wrong."

Adhyay lightly kisses her palm due to which the tingling spreads all over her body. She smiles lightly by rolling her eyes, but Adhyay, placing his finger under her chin, to prevent her face to bow down, forces her to look into his eyes again and affectionately tells her.

"You don't need to believe everything I said, you should also have the same desire in that matter as mine, I felt bad that you drank it only on my demand, without any question, but you should be happy and say whatever you want to me ..... I wanted you to learn to speak your words openly to me…. You are my wife... My better half..... I want to know about you every moment, of course, I want my wife to know me and understand my preference too ….. but we need to open up with each other a little more."

Hearing Adhyay's words, tears welled up in her eyes because his words touched her heart very closely. But she immediately stops the tears in her eyes only as she didn't want to ruin their beautiful moment and pressed her lower lip in her teeth and smiled lightly, she immediately nods, and he kisses her cheek. She fists his palm lightly, and he smirks at his effect on her, Because this reaction of Shravya comes not because of fear but because of her shyness which she feels when she is close to him. She says softly.

"Now we have our dinner..."

"Yup sure …. "

Shravya starts getting up from his lap but he tightens his grip on her waist due to which she is unable to get up.  She looks at him. He is also looking at her face. She asks him to remove his hand by pointing her finger towards his hand which is on her waist. He also shakes his head and refuses it. She comes close to his ear and says softly.

"Waiter will come…. I don't like it…. "

He sighs, and loosens his grip around her, she smilingly gets up from his lap and starts enjoying their lavish dinner with their sweet chit-chat. After their dinner, they take a small walk around there, Shravya lightly rubs her arms because of the cold, Adhyay wraps his jacket around her and takes her to a place where his hired people have already lit up the campfire.

Adhyay immediately makes Shravya sit in front of him and sits behind her and takes her well in his arms. Both are feeling much better with the heat of the fire. They are completely lost with each other, and they both do not want to waste even a single moment. Shravya softly asks him.

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