Chapter. 90

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Raunak unbuttoned his shirt very slowly. Looks like he doesn't have the strength left at all. Then his phone starts ringing but he ignores it and changes his clothes first. Raunak was very busy today for the whole day and he is not feeling well at all. He just wants to sleep right now without any disturbance.

Since this morning, his phone is ringing continuously because he is alone here, so he has to handle all the work and meetings all alone which is quite hectic sometimes, then only he is getting calls from everywhere. He feels as if drums are playing in his head, so he sits holding his head. Then his phone starts ringing again. He picks up his phone angrily and is just about to scold the person in front when he sees that it is Ruhi. He immediately picks up the phone with a smile.

"Hi, Ruhi...."

"Just look at yourself first.... what hi ..... did eat anything....."

"Ruhi ....."

"Look Raunak, I have been listening to you since morning.... I told you only in the morning, take medicine only after breakfast, your appearance is telling that you are not feeling well at all.... But you are not in the habit of obeying anyone. Today was my practical exam and I was worried for the whole day because of you, whether you took medicine or not, whether you are well or not.... I called you during the day but you didn't pick up my phone, even during the evening too, due to which I am getting very angry with you in the same way ...."

Raunak is smiling silently listening to her words because he does not dare to say anything anyway but it's feeling so good that she cares for him. He knows that Ruhi must have been upset because of him as she knows since morning that he is unwell. Seeing Raunak smiling, Ruhi immediately tells him.

"Stop this smile and tell me whether you have eaten something or else you must not have taken the medicine..... you are not a small child who has to be explained..... had your dinner or not...."

Raunak wants to laugh a lot at Ruhi's scolding like this, but he is sitting quietly because he feels that she is taking revenge for her scolding by Raunak. He says.

"I will take the medicine...."

"What do you mean by I will.... Take it now, first have something to eat....."

"Yaar Ruhi, please ..... I am very tired. I don't even have the guts to heat my food. Please yaar, I will eat biscuits here and take medicine. Please don't bother me about anything else. Just talk to me for a while so that I can sleep comfortably..... "

"I am not a medicine who gives you relief... call Sarita di... She is still there, I talked to her and I told her too, She will not go from there until she feeds you something. Just call her, she will bring your food for you here, maybe she does not know that you have arrived....."

But then Sarita comes inside with a plate of khichdi and has heard both of them, so she immediately tells Ruhi.

"Madam, I was heating khichdi, so I came late and have also heated milk for bhaiya, I will not leave here without giving him milk. I don't want your scolding again....."

Raunak chuckles at this, Sarita immediately leaves after keeping the plate there. Raunak looks at Ruhi and says,

"Why have you been scolding everyone today?...."

"I scolded you because you didn't take medicine and didn't eat food, and the biggest thing of all, you didn't even pick up my phone. And I scold Sarita di because she is there and she has to take care of you, but she did not pay attention to you and sent you to the office without feeding you anything....."

"Damn ..... feisty much...."

"Finish your food right now..."


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