Author's Note

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Thank you for selecting my novel to read! I hope you'll enjoy these four love stories.
Each chapter is narrated by one of the eight leads, and all four stories intertwine which is why I wrote this as one big novel instead of publishing four mini-stories.
But fair WARNING, this novel has a lot of profanity, alcohol and drug use, some potentially triggering moments regarding bullying and social anxiety, and A LOT of sexually explicit chapters that might make you uncomfortable. If you do not want to read a RATED R book, then perhaps this isn't for you.
And of course, this is an LGBTQ+ novel. Please be respectful in the comments; no haters! The synopsis of this book made it quite clear that this was about Boys Love, so if that makes you uncomfortable then please find a different book to read.

I WILL NOT be posting a warning at the beginning of each chapter that has heavy sexual content. I don't want to ruin the surprise for my dedicated BL readers ;)
It's not like novels at the book store have a warning before each chapter, right? Take this Author's Note as your one and only warning, just like finding a book in the erotica section in a store is warning enough... Hahaha!
You know what you're getting into!!!
Please feel free to respond to the conversation starters at the end of the chapters!!! I may just ask things like:
How did you like this character?
Did anyone else drool during this bedroom scene?!

Anyways, thanks again for giving this book a chance!
Please follow me, comment and vote!
Much love and be kind ♡

Get A Room!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora