~:*:~ Five ~:*:~

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Jedson and I ended up carrying both Leona's and Chace's bags up to her room. Ian and Chace had slipped away with their room keys so we couldn't do much else with Chace's things, but luckily they were all on the same floor anyways so it won't be much work for them to rearrange things later. As a reward for our efforts, Leona cracked open one of the cases of beer they had brought so we could share a morning drink; it was five o-clock somewhere, right?

The three of us sat in a circle on Leona's floor and began chatting away like we had been lifelong friends.

"So what's the deal between you and Chace?" I asked with genuine curiosity, primarily because I found it hard to believe that any man would give up the chance to date someone as beautiful as Leona.

"He's not my type, and I'm not his." She admitted breezily. "But everyone tends to assume we are dating because we're so close, so we just let them think as they please."

"Then why did you correct us earlier?" Jedson asks.

"I wanted Ian-" She stops herself abruptly, and then rearranges her words to hide what she truly meant to say. "I figured the five of us would get along well and become great friends over the next four years, so it's only fair that you all know the truth."

Jedson isn't entirely buying her explanation, nor do I. Jedson teases, "I think it's because you're smitten with Chace's new roommate. You wanted IAN..."

She laughs and waves off the notion. "He's not my type either. Let's just say that none of you are my type so we don't complicate things with romance and heart break."

Jedson pretended to be wounded by her rejection.

Leona expertly diverted the conversation away from the non-existent love triangle between Chace, herself and Ian by throwing my love life into the spotlight.

"So tell us more about your girl, Nate! You said you've been together for almost two years now?"

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of our accomplishment. "We got together labour day weekend before junior year. We spent most of sophomore year crushing on each other, so I finally got up the nerve to ask her out after a fireworks display in our neighbourhood park. We've been together ever since."

"Blissfully, I imagine." Leona sighed longingly.

"I bet the sex is mind blowing for you to be so stuck on her." Jedson clicked his beer bottle against mine as he winked suggestively. "Two years of it..."

He was right on one account; Emma and I might have only just had sex together for the first time yesterday, but it was certainly mind blowing. I still can't remember about ninety-five percent of the night, but flashes of two naked bodies writhing on top of each other in all sorts of creative positions keep flashing through my mind. Even though I can't remember my time at the bar or how I even made it up to Emma's room in one piece, the sensation of flesh on flesh and the emotions that our lovemaking erupted within me lingered long after the experience had ended. I was getting so flustered by my foggy memory that I had to readjust myself to hide my growing boner from my present company.

Unfortunately, Leona had eyes like a hawk and spotted my bulge as I moved.

"It seems like your sex life is of great importance to your attachment after all... your mind must be full of all sorts of filthy images."

She chuckled playfully as my cheeks grew hot and red in embarrassment. Jedson also joined in my torment.

Before I could relax and change the subject, the very source of my plight sauntered past Leona's room with her bathroom caddy in hand. Her eyes had wandered briefly into Leona's room, causing her to back pedal from her destination so she could confirm what she saw. She looked between Leona and me with a mix of confusion, anger, and jealousy.

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