~:*:~ Eighty-Six ~:*:~

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"Hey, Chace... wait up!"

It was early afternoon on Sunday. To get me out of my hotel room, Leona convinced me to come out to campus that morning to use the vacant soccer field. I only agreed because I needed her help practicing since the tryouts for the school's team were coming up fast. After a very sweaty morning of running up and down the pitch, I had intended to head back to my hotel room to shower and relax.

But then Paxton spotted me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up, slightly curious due to the determined expression on his face.

"Is it true that you're looking for a new room on campus?"

"Yeah, I am. But they're all taken, and no one is willing to switch-"

"I'll switch with you." He stated without a hint of misgiving.

"Are you serious?"

"I wouldn't suggest it for a lark, if that's what you're implying."

I already knew the answer to this, but I asked him anyways, "Isn't Nate your roommate?"


"Aren't you two friends? Why would you want-"

"I'd rather not discuss my relationship with him. I hope you can respect my privacy, just as I have respected yours by not asking about you and Ian."

"Fair point..."

"So, will you trade rooms with me?"


After I cancelled my reservation at the hotel for the upcoming week and emptied my room of all belongings, I jumped into a cab and raced back to campus to settle into my new dorm room.

Leona met me downstairs to help me bring up my things, but I had so much stuff that we wouldn't be able to do it all in one shot. I wasn't about to leave my shit lying around outside for anyone to take, so I told Leona to just wait down here and keep guard.

I grabbed a box of heavy books and turned to go into Massey, but instead I ended up crashing into someone. The box tumbled out of my hands as I fell back. The other person fell forward, wrapping his arms protectively around me and turning our bodies so he'd be the one to take the blow. His back hit the ground hard as I fell on top of him, but he still only seemed concerned with my safety.

"Are you alright?!"

I opened my eyes and focused on my savour.


"Why would you-... you didn't have to-..." I was so stunned that I couldn't get a sentence out properly.

"You did the same for me when we first met. It's the least I can do..."

The sweet memory was too much for me to handle given our current feud. And I refused to be swayed by him any longer, so I quickly pushed myself off of him and proceeded to pick up my books without even saying thank you.

Leona witnessed the whole thing with an amused expression on her face. "What are you doing here, Ian? Do you have something you wanna say to Chace?" She prompted.

I gave her a hard look, hoping she'd interpret my meaning to shut the fuck up.

"Are you moving back in?" Ian asked as he catalogued all my stuff that he used to see daily.

"I'm moving back into Massey..." I corrected, but he didn't seem to understand my meaning.

"I'll give you a hand." He offered while trying to hide a smile. He must have assumed that he won this stupid feud; that I was crawling back to him with my tail between my legs.

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