~:*:~ Forty-Nine ~:*:~

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"What is this place?!"

Jesse scoffed with amusement. "It's a club, you idiot. What does it look like?"

I shook my head as I took in the people moving around us and on the dance floor. "This is not like any club I've been to before!"

"It's Dirty Dancing night!" Jesse declared loudly and with excitement over the music blaring from the speakers. "You know, like the movie!!!"

I hadn't seen that film since I was a kid and my mom accidentally left me alone with the remote. From what I remembered, it was about some girl who had a boring time at preppy camp- which is understandable since her entire family went with her and the activities were things like golf and makeup trials- until she met a dinosaur pretending to be in his early twenties. They did a choreographed dance and there was something about a baby in a corner... the end. I must have flipped the channel and missed the part where-... well, this took place! But I suppose it's called DIRTY Dancing for a reason, right?

Couples and groups of all sexualities were either making out fervently off the dance floor, or grinding and humping each other on the dance floor as they expertly moved to the soulful beat. It looked like one massive orgy in here!

I turned to Layne to gage her reaction, hoping she'd be just as appalled as I was. Unfortunately this place had quite the opposite effect on her; she seemed excited, practically jumping to get out onto the dance floor.

Jesse explained his motives for choosing this place for our first therapy-mandated date. "I want you guys to know what true passion can feel like so you'll know what to strive for, even during the most mundane tasks! I want you to think of your time here when you accidently brush hands while washing dishes, or when you kiss each other farewell before parting for morning classes! We need to get your hormones riled up around each other so that a simple touch can burn with desire! That way when you finally have sex, you won't want to keep your hands off each other after spending so much time behaving and containing yourselves! You'll be rewarding your bodies for wanting each other!"

"Can't we just try touching each other in private?!" I was practically pleading with him.

He pulled a face that made me seem like a complete moron. "Where's the fun in hiding away in your room, awkwardly sitting on your bed and just taking turns placing your hand on her boob or her hand on your dick?" He mimicked the actions and spoke in a monotone to make his point, though the mundane feeling of it all was overly exaggerated for his benefit. "Oh, Layne. This is lovely. I shall squeeze your tit now. Feel good? Great. Oh, thank you Layne for grabbing my shaft. Yes, please play with my balls. Oh, that feels nice. My finger is going into your vagina now. Like it? Okay. Now, shall I put my dick in?"

"Fuck you, Jesse." I hated that he was right. Had Layne and I been left to our own devices, we'd probably just touch each other out of obligation and consider it a win for our relationship progress...

How pathetic!

He smiled with glee as his point was clearly made. "Dirty dancing will give you guys the chance to explore each other's bodies in a safe, acceptable manner that will certainly spark your interest and excitement. You have to enjoy the process of love-making, and touching each other is an important aspect of that."

Layne looked longingly at the dancers before her. "But I don't know how to dance like that..." She admitted.

"I'll show you!"

Before I could protest or even offer myself up as her dance partner, which I assumed I was since I was her boyfriend, Jesse grabbed Layne by the hand and led her onto the floor. He wrapped his arm around her waist and draped one of hers around his neck. He then forced her legs to part as he leaned into her, making their stance highly suggestive as her lady-business practically rode his thigh and his groin pressed against her pelvis. They swayed back and forth to the beat, grinding together as their hands slowly started to run up and down each other's bodies. Every once in a while he would dip her back and run his hand down the center of her upper body, from her neck to her bellybutton. My breath hitched with anger and concern whenever his fingers slid between her breasts, but he respected her body and never touched her that intimately.

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