~:*:~ Thirteen ~:*:~

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Luck was on my side this morning.

I was just thinking about Bright's most adorable smile when I was suddenly blessed with the very sight itself. He was sitting at a table alone in the library reading a book to pass the time. I was just on my way to grab a coffee from a cart that Ian and Chace recommended, but it hardly seemed worth it now when such a better offer of warmth presented itself.

I immediately entered the library and made my way through the busy students and scattered chairs to Bright's table. He was so engrossed in his story that he hadn't noticed my arrival. I placed my palms on the surface before me and leaned forward. The words in the novel were upside down from my vantage point, but it wasn't hard to make out Sherlock's and Watson's names on the pages.

"It seems we have something in common."

Bright broke free from the pages to see who had interrupted him. He leans his head back and his eyes grow wide. Our faces are now mere inches apart; his nose almost brushed mine and I could feel his warm breath on my lips. If one of us just tilted our heads ever so slightly, we could kiss...

I had never had such a desire to kiss a guy before. But with Bright, it seems I just couldn't help myself.

He moved away, startled by whatever he was feeling. He then scowled at me. "I doubt we have anything in common..."

"I find Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's wit quite amusing too. Sherlock is such a clever character that it often comes off as comical when he explains how he solved the mysteries."

Bright closed the book abruptly, as if that would sever our mutual likeness for the work. It's like he was trying his damnedest to have nothing to do with me.

I pulled out a chair and took a seat across from him. He didn't like that much either.

I pressed on anyways, "So this is where you've been hiding from me these days."

"I'm not hiding from you..."

I raised an eyebrow with amused suspicion. "Aren't you, though?"

His cheeks reddened with embarrassment. "Doesn't seem to matter now... you've found me, right? So what do you want, Jedson?"

I was determined to tease him with my presence. "Can I buy you a coffee?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Can I take you to lunch?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Shall we head back to Massey to join in the next frosh activity?"

"I'm not in the mood to fake merriment..."

"How about we ditch campus to see a movie?"

His short fuse had finally fizzled out. "Enough, Jedson!"

A couple of people shushed in our direction before turning back to their books and studies.

Bright looked exasperated, but all I could do was smile. I liked knowing that I had an effect on him.

Before he could chastise me further, he became distracted by something over my shoulder. I turned to see what it was. There was a table of girls looking our way. They seemed to be gossiping and poking fun at Bright, but then they changed their tune the minute they noticed me staring back. They smiled and waved flirtatiously, hoping to capture my attention and perhaps my phone number.

"They don't seem to like me much." Bright muttered.

I turned back to him. I didn't respond to the girls' advances, both out of principle and because I just wasn't that interested in anyone aside from the boy sitting in front of me. "What's not to like?"

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