~:*:~ Thirty-Three ~:*:~

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Layne and I skipped out on yet another frosh event- the karaoke contest- to look up some more private and intimate activities for our next date. Even though it was something that we'd both enjoy doing and hated to miss, I knew that Jesse wouldn't consider it much of a date given the hundred or so other kids involved. So we ran back to my room to do some research in hopes of making a decision for tomorrow's planned outing.

I only had about half an hour left before I had to head back outside to supervise the follow-up bonfire. We hadn't made any progress, so at this rate it was looking like tomorrow's date would be cancelled.

Layne turned away from my laptop then. "Tanner... please don't hate me for saying it, but I think we need to bring Jesse in on this."

"You want him to help choose our dates?" I asked absentmindedly as I continued to scroll through google for ideas.

She hesitated slightly before blurting out, "I think we need to bring Jesse in on this..."I finally looked at her to see how she gestured between us. "... Our relationship."

No word of a lie, I actually jerked back so far in my chair that I toppled over and crashed to the ground. I had never been that startled and frightened in my life. "YOU WANT US TO HAVE A THREE-WAY WITH JESSE?!" I shrieked from my new place on the ground.

She moved from her chair to help me back up. "No! That's not what I meant-"

"Then what did you mean?!"

We settled on the bed comfortably as I rubbed my soon-to-be bruised ass.

"I want him to help us get back what we lost." She explained, "He had a lot of good advice this morning, and I think he's got a lot more to say on the matter. He's fairly experienced on the ways of..." She cleared her throat and turned slightly red before finishing, "... passionate love making, so we should ask him to give us lessons!"

"Lessons?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Or whatever you want to call it! I just think that Jesse's the perfect guy to help us with our dates, our connection, and our sex life."

"So you do want to have a three-way!" I snorted with disbelief. I never should have taken Jesse's word when he swore that Layne wasn't interested in him.

"NO, and STOP accusing me! I don't want to have sex with him, and I don't want you to have sex with him-"

I jumped off the bed like a bomb had gone off. "WHAT THE FUCK! WHO SAID I WANTED TO-"

She shouted over my words to shut me up, "THAT'S WHAT HAVING A THREE-WAY WOULD ENTAIL, IDIOT! IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT YOU AND JESSE TAKING TURNS FUCKING ME! YOU'D BE DOING EACH OTHER TOO, WHICH IS NOT WHAT I WANT!" She stopped yelling once she noticed that I'd obediently shut up, and then she seemed to catch her breath again before adding, "And I know it's not something you'd ever want either. You're not gay, after all..."

I contemplated her words for a while as I stood before her, not ready to completely cool off and sit back down.

She took my silence as permission to continue explaining what she ultimately meant and wanted, "I think he could help us in our sex life by teaching us a few new positions and tricks. He could help us spice things up in the bedroom just as he advised us to do so outside of the bedroom on our dates. We have to be open to trying new things in every aspect of this relationship."

I shook my head. "I don't feel comfortable asking him for help, especially on sexual matters. What's he gonna do?! Stand in the corner of the room while we fuck and coach us along?!" I began mimicking his voice, "Don't touch her like that!... Squeeze him there harder!... Lick her properly if you're gonna go down on her!... Try fucking from behind!..."

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