~:*:~ Bonus Epilogue ~:*:~

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Hello, my beauties! It's Mama LeeLee here to give you a little update on the lives of your favourite campus couples. And yes, the nickname stuck and I'm proud to be the official Queen Mother to all my current and any future LGBTQ+ babies!

So I'm sure you weren't expecting to hear from me, now were you?! Well the boys thought it would be nice to give me free reign of this bonus content since I'm the one that knows all four of their stories best! Remember, I'm the only constant woman in their lives, and that position has its perks!

Okay, so let's start with answering your burning questions about WHAT HAPPENED AFTER Happily Ever After!

After Nate and Paxton had such a public display of their love on campus, things became easier for the other pairings to comfortably come out.

Jesse and Tanner were next since everyone was still curious to find out why Jesse gave up his playboy ways. Tanner was a little apprehensive at first, but after hanging out safely with our group of friends a few times he realized that being in a relationship with a guy was no different than with a girl. He wasn't ashamed of his love for Jesse, so why should he care about what closed-minded people had to say?

Chace and Ian were next. My bestie always planned to come out of the closet once he found the right guy, and I'm happy that it ended up being Ian. Despite all the times I yelled at him and called him names, I really do adore the guy and think they're perfectly matched! So I was obviously the first person they came to with the news that they were officially dating. They didn't want some random girl from Chace's fan page to accidently catch a picture of them kissing in public during one of her stalking escapades, and then have her post it online as the way they came out as a couple to the world. So they asked me to do the honours since neither of them had a social media account of their own! I snapped a quick picture of them holding hands and posted it to my feed with a sweet caption. It blew up instantly as hot news, and I gained even more followers as Mama LeeLee than I had before as Chace's potential high school love when they assumed he was straight. Needless to say, my influencer status skyrocketed and companies began reaching out again for me to sponsor their products. Hello, second year tuition!

Jedson and Bright didn't do anything in particular to announce their relationship to the world, nor were they the type to partake in heavy PDA after everything they'd been through. People just assumed that they finally got together after seeing them amongst my BL Babies. There also wasn't any negative gossip or posts about the two anymore, probably because the potential culprits knew that they'd not only have Jedson to deal with, but they'd also feel the wrath of Chace, Ian, Tanner, Jesse, Nate, Paxton and I. We were a tight-knit wolf pack; you mess with one of Mama LeeLee's babies, you get the mighty roar of us all!

Paxton and Chace switched back to their old rooms faster than you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! And with how often those two couples made the beast with two backs, it was just common sense to reorganize each roommate pairing to correspond with their love pairing.

Unfortunately, I couldn't give my room over to Tanner and Jesse entirely because Tanner still had a job to do as a dorm floor head. But now we have a comfortable schedule going where Jesse spends most of his nights in Tanner's room, and then they get to use our room during the off hours so they can push our beds together for more room. Yes, I'm that kind; I let others fuck on my bed even though I'm currently not getting any. Though lately the boys have been finding other adventurous places to have sex... so be careful everyone! There's a chance that you'll walk in on more than you bargained for when you get your laundry or take a hike in the park beside campus! HA!

Bright and Jedson still visit their therapist once a week for sessions. They're both making excellent progress. Jedson is less concerned with his popularity, and they've even started working on his claustrophobia and his negative recollection of his birth father. And Bright has come out of his shell week by week. Not only is he happy with the friends he has now, but I've even seen him make an effort to build new friendships with people in class and in the dorm.

Tanner loved Jesse's sisters despite being scared to death of them. And yes, he immediately jumped into their car with his boyfriend to attend his parent's anniversary. He was promptly showered with slobbery cheek kisses and exuberant hugs from all -parents, grandparents, in-laws, nieces and nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles, and even family friends and neighbours- as they welcomed Tanner to the family with gusto!

Jedson's wrists finally healed completely and he was able to take off the braces. Despite Bright's best efforts to wash them constantly, they still smelled foul on the inside from all the times Jedson sweat in them during practice. Needless to say, those braces found a new home in the dumpster.

And YES, our four boys all made it to the soccer tryouts in time and made the school team! Paxton, Jesse, Tanner, Bright and I can often be found in the stands cheering loudly with signs and stupid foam fingers.

And I guess that's it! They're all happy and in love, so what else is there to know?

I suppose it's my turn to go off and find my one true love! I can't let the boys have all the fun, now can I? ;)

Until next time, take care everyone!

Until next time, take care everyone!

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Hello lovelies!!!

Well... THE END!!!


I'm both sad and happy that this book is complete.
Sad because I want more as a reader, but happy because I feel accomplished as a writer 😊

I hope you enjoyed this short epilogue from Leona's POV! She's a little treat 😘

Scroll to the next post to see WHAT'S NEXT!!!

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