~:*:~ Thirty-One ~:*:~

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Despite being fairly hungover, I still braved the world to attend rehearsals the next morning. I popped a couple of aspirin and picked up a bagel along the way to soak up any residual booze. I also grabbed a bottle of ginger ale to help with the queasiness that would ensue as I bounced and spun around the dancefloor.

Or maybe the queasiness was attributed to seeing Bright again.

I walked into the studio ten minutes late. Everyone seemed surprised that I wasn't prompt and in my usual peppy mood, but I could only fake things so far. Everyone's allowed to have a bad day from time to time, so this one could be mine.

I made sure to sit on the opposite side of the room from Bright as the seniors went over the event for the umpteenth time. Where to stand, when to come forward to speak into the microphone, the order that we'll be performing our talents-

FUCK. I hadn't picked a talent yet.

Maybe I could give lessons in flirting?

I suppose it doesn't matter anymore; I was no longer interested in winning. Who cares if I'm crowned Campus King if I can't be with the person I like? I never imagined that my popularity would have such a downside.

Bright was surprisingly focused on what the seniors had to say. I knew winning wasn't his goal and that he only remained in the competition out of obligation; it was too late now to nominate someone new. So I wondered if his new-found interest was just a means to keep his eyes and mind off of me.

Thankfully he was looking a little better than the last time we met. He was definitely eating and sleeping more, but he still looked a little thin and ragged. A few more days was all he needed to get back to his old self. At least I wouldn't have to worry so much about him then.

When the lecture was over, we began to dance. Bright and Leona hadn't much improved as a pairing. I kept wanting to go over to give some pointers and help, but I kept myself glued to my partner as I imaged all the various photos and taglines that would be posted if I'd intervened.

Nothing about this was fair.

An hour and a half later, the seniors called it a day.

Leona came hobbling over to where I was sitting. She winced in pain as she sat down and took her shoes off to massage her feet.

"I don't know how much more I can take of this. I like the guy, but I'm clearly not meant to be his partner."

"He won't do any better with Jenna. Plus, I don't think she would be as patient with him as you've been. She seems to demand perfection every time we dance; even a rehearsal is treated like a trophy performance." I politely wave to my dance partner as she's leaving the studio.

"I didn't mean her..." She states flatly before elbowing me in the side, hoping I'll catch her drift.

I shake my head defiantly. "We both saw what happened the last time I danced with Bright. I can't do that to him again, especially on a stage-"

"Maybe you could just give him private lessons? Perhaps in a room with a lock... fewer windows... no prying eyes..." She remarked slyly.

"What are you implying, Leona?" She definitely knew something was going on between Bright and I; something building beyond friendship no matter how much we fought it. But she didn't press any further as she acted like dancing was the true nature of her request, "I just noticed that he happened to improve a little when the two of you rehearsed together. I'd appreciate it if you could spare my toes any further grief."

I let out a sad, heavy sigh. "He doesn't want anything to do with me. My friendship and attention has embarrassed him enough."

"Come on, Jedson. I never took you for a quitter!"

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