~:*:~ Eleven ~:*:~

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Our band of five had settled in nicely at a campus pub after a long afternoon of playing soccer. Leona acted as our cheerleader for most of it, but there was a point where she was brave enough to step in as goal keeper. She was quite good actually; she claimed that being Chace's best friend had made it a necessity in the past.

Being on campus made it impossible to get away with sneaking alcoholic drinks. We could have just gone back to mine and Chace's room to finish off the beer that was in our mini-fridge, but we wanted a change in scenery. And by that, of course I meant that we were on the prowl for ladies.

"Lady and Gents..." Nate began, taking great pleasure in his chosen greeting given Leona's singularity in a group of men. He pressed on once he earned a sweet smile from her in thanks for the recognition. "I have a confession to make, and I suppose I'm in need of your assistance."

"Out with it!" Jedson ordered as he finished off his coke.

He briefly hesitated as he contemplated his impending embarrassment, but he chose to press on. "It seems that I am also in desperate need of finding a girl... a very particular girl, to be precise."

I was shocked by this sudden change in his attitude. "What about Emma?! Did you guys break up?"

"Don't tell me that you intend to cheat on her..." Leona grumbled in a scolding tone. "I know you boys pride yourselves on being players, but I won't support outright infidelity! If you don't like the girl anymore, then just break up with her before moving on. It's the decent thing to do."

"I didn't cheat on her! Well, at least I don't think I did..."

Leona nearly jumped out of her seat. "YOU MEAN YOU'VE ALREADY HAD SEX-"

"NO! I MEAN... YES, BUT IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK." He calmed her down before explaining, "No, I don't think I technically cheated on Emma because she broke up with me that morning, and it wasn't until the next day that we got back together officially."

Leona scoffed disapprovingly. "Didn't take much for you to move on, did it? Honestly, I'd still consider that cheating since it seems more like you were on a break."

Jedson laughed at Nate's plight. "This is some real Ross and Rachel bullshit!"

"I thought I had sex with her... with Emma! Doesn't that cancel out the notion of cheating?"

Chace frowned in confusion. He didn't seem like the type to care for such drama, but Nate's story had him intrigued. "How the hell did you confuse one person with another?"

"I was wasted!" He sounded slightly hysterical as he tried to make his case to us.

"Calm down, Nate." I ordered us another round of drinks before encouraging him onward. "Now, tell us when this all happened, and how it happened."

He let out a heavy sigh before confessing, "It was the night before campus move-in day. I was heading to Emma's hotel room to apologize and beg her to reconsider the break up, but then I went across the street to a bar to gather up my courage. At some point I blacked out from drinking too much. I woke up the next morning in a hotel room, naked and alone. There were used condoms everywhere and evidence all over my body that I had a fucking good time..."

I lifted my hand for him to high five in congratulation. "Nice!"

Nate didn't get a chance to accept my praise. Chace grabbed me by the wrist and pulled my hand down in annoyance.

"I had no reason to think that it was anyone but Emma! The note that was left on the nightstand said that she'd see me on campus later..." Nate's face fell as he recalled meeting Emma again the next day, "But she wasn't the girl that I had sex with! She said that the last time we spoke was when she broke up with me..."

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