~:*:~ Thirty-Five ~:*:~

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What the hell am I doing?!

After an entire day of secret gifts and glances while maintaining a distance, I found myself going against my own instincts as I stood outside Jedson's door.

Leona seemed to have a way with words, even when she had to deal with the constant sharp pains of my heavy feet clomping all over hers. This morning as we danced, she dropped multiple hints that Jedson's heart was surely breaking over our separation, and that I shouldn't punish him for the mean things that others were doing and saying about us. She also had a rousing speech prepared about not closing myself off to people and needing friends to survive the next four years of school.

So when I found that bagel tucked secretly inside my bag, I knew that Jedson wasn't ready to give up on me. He made sure to follow my instructions to keep his distance, but he surely held out hope that I'd change my mind about being friends.

After the karaoke event, everyone relocated from the staging area to the open field for a bonfire. I noticed Jedson meandering away from the crowd to head back inside. My feet began to follow him without permission. Luckily there was barely anyone inside Massey at the moment so no one noticed. But that didn't stop me from darting my head back and forth in fear, just waiting for the flash of a camera phone or the chattering of some gossipy hens.

My fear for being caught out in the hall outweighed my hesitation for going inside Jedson's room. I knocked on his door and waited anxiously.

He didn't seem surprised to see me after the day we had, but he did look nervous.

"Can I come in?"

He stepped aside. After giving the hallway a once-over for spies and eavesdroppers, he closed the door and leaned against it. He was probably just tired, but for a moment the action made me think that he was trying to ensure my inability to escape.

"So... how are you?" I asked tenaciously.

"How do you think I am?"

"Hurt." I admit.

"You got that right."

I chewed on the inside of my cheeks, staring at the carpet as I tensed up.

"You're looking a little better." He commented as he took in my appearance. "You're sleeping again? And I saw you eating a decent amount today, so that's good."

I shrugged, "I didn't want to make you worry... just like you said. Thanks for breakfast."

He nodded and retorted, "Thanks for lunch."

I didn't know what to do next, still uncomfortable being within five feet of him. I just rambled about anything to keep us talking, "I heard you singing at the karaoke event. You're pretty talented."

He raised a playful eyebrow, easing slightly into his old self, "Are you surprised?"

I smiled. "I suppose I shouldn't be. Of course a guy like you would be good at something that brings all the ladies to your door."

"And yet, you seem to be the only one knocking tonight..."

I blushed a deep crimson.

We fell into an awkward silence for a while before he asked, "What is this, Bright? What do you want from me?"

I just wanted to see him and talk to him... that was my only reason for wanting to be here. But I couldn't admit that to him, so I went with the excuse that Leona concocted earlier today.

"Well... I'm sure you noticed that I'm not getting any better at dancing, and the Freshie Event is coming up soon..."

He laughed out loud and crossed his arms over his chest, "Did Leona put you up to this?"

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