~:*:~ One Hundred and One ~:*:~

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My date with Ian was the cutest thing in the world, which was so fucking surprising given how tough and bro-like the two of us were usually. You'd think he'd take me out to a sporting arena or a concert so we could drink and act comfortable around each other. But no, this shithead surprises me by taking me out for a romantic dinner and movie.

It was your standard first date that we all experienced in high school, full of nervous energy and sweet embarrassment.

He played footsy with me under the table at dinner. It sent shivers up my leg and had my heart racing for the entirety of the meal.

He gave me some of the food off his plate, insisting that I try it as he held up his fork to feed me. I also couldn't resist giving him a taste of my meal, happy that he didn't seem to mind the curious onlookers around us.

We ordered the 'Lovers Delight' off the dessert menu. It involved sharing a milkshake with an elaborate heart shaped straw with two spouts that would only work if both lovers were sucking their end at the same time. There was also a chocolate cake with one fork, so again Ian took this opportunity to feed me from across the table before licking the remnants from the fork that I left behind. I blushed as he declared this to be an indirect kiss.

He got me my favourite drink and snacks at the movie theatre, and he even let me pick the show. He then held onto my jacket and concession goodies as I quickly hit the bathroom before the show. I came out and laughed at how much he looked like a doting husband, to which he responded with a blush and a playful shove. But he continued to carry my things for me into the theater.

And then during the movie, we shared the cutest moment of them all...

Ian was nervously fidgeting in his seat as his eyes darted towards me over and over again. I discreetly watched as he kept lifting his hand up to the arm rest between us before retreating in fright. He began to bite his bottom lip and bounce his leg anxiously as he contemplated his desired move.

I knew exactly what he wanted. So the next time he brought his hand up to the armrest, I immediately grabbed it with my own so he couldn't retreat. I intertwined our fingers together and squeezed his hand tight. When I looked over to gage his reaction, he was fighting off an excited smile as he forced his gaze to the movie in front of him, even though he clearly had no interest in the story unfolding on the screen anymore. Ian was practically vibrating with delight! I couldn't believe how happy he was just to be holding my hand, like two chaste preteens who'd consider this act to be as binding as a marriage contract.

Fuck, he was cute...


He walked me to my door, ready to bid me goodnight after expressing a fond desire for a second date. I couldn't take his cute behaviour any longer; I was too weak to his charms.

"Aren't we going to kiss goodnight?" I asked with a serious expression as I leaned against my door.

His eyes went wide in shock for a moment, but I could also see how hard he was trying to restrain himself. "I would love to, but aren't you worried that someone might see? You're not out yet... and I want to respect that."

Bloody hell... TOO CUTE!

"It's late..." I said as I checked my phone for confirmation. "Everyone is in their rooms already. No one will catch a quick kiss... that is, if you truly want to kiss me?"

"YES!" Ian declared a little too loudly before adjusting his tone. "Yes, I would like to kiss you... very much."

"Okay... but this time why don't you let me take the lead?" I placed a careful hand at the back of his neck, rubbing the base of his hairline with my thumb soothingly.

Get A Room!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora