~:*:~ Eight ~:*:~

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I was sitting with Ian, Nate, Emma, Chace and Leona in the field with the rest of the freshman from Massey Residence as we waited for the upper years to announce the next activity or event. It was only our second day on campus and frosh week was already proving to be a blast. I spent most of my time with the guys and Leona, but that didn't stop me from making new friends and meeting potential dates wherever I went!

Our core group was also briefly introduced to Nate's roommate, Paxton, but he disappeared whenever Emma showed up to cling to her boyfriend. I got the impression that Paxton was a shy guy, but Nate seemed to have nothing against his company both in and out of their room. They didn't get along as well as Chace and Ian did, but at least they weren't at each other's throats like Leona and her roommate! With no vacancies left in our dorm, the only way Leona was going to get rid of her unfortunate roommate was if another girl requested a trade. Being only our second day on campus, there wasn't much of a chance of that happening quite yet.

Needless to say, I was grateful to be able to afford a single room. Not only did I avoid any potential roommate drama or awkwardness, but it also meant that I had a private space to bring my dates back to for a little bit of fun!

And lucky enough, we were about to set the course for an event that would introduce me to the most beautiful prospects in our residency and all the others.

A senior girl took her place on the small raised stage in front of us and called for silence. Once she had it, she began to explain, "Before we go any further in our frosh week, it's time for us to nominate our potential Kings and Queens for our Freshie Event!"

Most of the freshmen clapped and cheered eagerly as they were already aware of what this event entailed after reading the emailed packet we received with our dormitory acceptance letters. But for those who merely skimmed the packet or ignored it all together, the senior went on to explain it to them.

"The Freshie Event is a long standing tradition at BLU. The winning King and Queen give their housing residence bragging rights for the rest of the year, and they personally win a special prize from that year's sponsors. I hope you all know that Massey has a reputation to uphold as the residence with the highest record for victory!" She paused until the hoots and hollers died down, and then continued, "It's essentially a mix between a prom vote and a beauty pageant, and that's not to say that beauty is the only factor in the judge's final decision."

A senior boy stepped up beside the girl to explain further, "Two potential Queens and two potential Kings will be nominated to represent their residence in the competition. There will be a photo shoot for the voting page, dance rehearsals for the group talent portion of the event, and the nominees will be expected to answer a few questions and perform individual talents as well. The online voting will be combined with the judge's decision for the crowning. So as you can see, this will be a great commitment for anyone who accepts the task... but I can guarantee that it will be an exciting and worthwhile experience!"

Everyone clapped again as they began to discuss their nominees.

The senior girl grabbed her clipboard and pen to write down the names. "Now then, who shall we have to represent Massey's King and Queen this year?"

Immediately, about two dozen girls shouted out Chace's name. They argued that he would be a guarantee winner given his social media fame. Even though the seniors said good looks weren't everything, I had a feeling that Chace probably would win with online voting alone.

But Chace promptly stood up and declined the opportunity. "Sorry, but I won't have the time to participate given my major."

I knew this was bullshit, but I didn't say anything. He was just trying to shut down the idea without seeming ungrateful with an outright fuck no. Despite his popularity on and off social media, I had quickly discovered that Chace wasn't fond of all the attention that he was given. A pageant would only add to his discomfort.

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