~:*:~ Sixty-Five ~:*:~

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"Is Ian here?"

The girl from last night returned without as much as a 'hello' or an introduction. She just stood in the hall with a bored expression on her face as she waited for my response.

I pulled out my phone to check the time. "His class just ended. You can find him-"

She pushed past me to make herself comfortable on his bed as she said, "I'll just wait for him here."

I raised an eyebrow in displeasure at her manners, "Does he know you're here? Was he expecting you?"

She fiddled with her phone as she absentmindedly said, "He'll be happy to see me... trust! And if he's as horny as I think he is, than this is the best place for us to meet." She sunk down further on Ian's bed.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but I kept my voice calm. "You should still message or call him so he knows you're here." I was pretty sure Ian had no intention of returning to our room when he realized I'd be there reading all afternoon, so he wasn't about to stumble upon this girl in his bed by accident or by a magical pull of mutual horniness. If she wanted to have sex with him, she couldn't keep her visit a surprise.

She typed something into her phone before declaring sarcastically, "There! Happy now?"

I closed the door and moved back to my desk to continue reading the assigned passages from this morning's class.

The girl snickered behind me. "You might want to find somewhere else to read, because when Ian gets here things are going to get loud and awkward for you."

"I'm not going to stick around to watch you fuck, if that's what you're implying..."

"I was."

I could tell she was smiling without even taking my eyes off the page.

I continued, "... but you can't expect me to leave you alone in our room. You're a stranger to me, and Ian only met you yesterday. So I'll wait here with you until he arrives, and then you can fuck until you both pass out for all I care!"

She wasn't offended that I basically insinuated that she would steal from us. Instead she seemed rather amused by my flippant attitude towards Ian's sex life. She crawled off the bed and moved towards me. "But you do care... don't you? It really bothers you that Ian brought me back here last night, and that he'd be all too willing to fuck me again right now."

"He can do whatever he wants-"

"Are you two lovers?" She asked outright.

I finally put my book down to address her. "Why would you think that?!"

"Your little feud on the dancefloor last night was fairly telling, and I can see the jealousy in your eyes right now." She then pointed to our shared bulletin board where Ian had printed a handful of pictures from my fan page and our group chat with our friends. Most pictures only had the two of us in them, but even the few that included Jedson, Nate and Leona showed Ian and me in a very close, overly friendly manner that most people would question. "And this little crafting project says that someone is harbouring some pretty strong feelings, if not both of you."

"We're just friends. You're misunderstanding-"

"You know, you're quite alluring." She completely shifted her attention to flirting with me, pushing me back further in my chair so she could straddle me. "I wouldn't mind having a go with you in the sack."

I pushed her off of me, knowing the ramifications of this situation all too well after what happened with Lexi. "Not interested, and I'd appreciate it if you'd never touch me again."

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