~:*:~ Forty-Five ~:*:~

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I knew I had insane morning wood before even opening my eyes the next morning. I could feel the ache in my gut as my dick throbbed in need of release. In my hungover state, I reached down under the sheets and grabbed the shaft. I lazily started stroking up and down, but I felt absolutely nothing. I blamed it on the alcohol. Annoyed, I began moving my hand even faster and squeezing even harder is desperation. Still I felt nothing!

Someone moaned beside me in bed and their breathing got heavier. I finally pried my crusty, sleepy eyes open to find myself staring directly at Chace. We were both lying down on our sides, face to face in a semi-embrace under the covers. I was using his left arm as a pillow as his right hand draped around my waist. My left hand was sort of holding the side of his face as my right hand-



In my hungover delirium, I ended up grabbing his morning wood instead of my own. It was a mistake that anyone could make given our close proximity! Like, our dicks were practically touching under the covers since we were huddled together... so I stupidly grabbed his, okay?! It's no big deal...

At least that's how I tried to justify my mistake.

I immediately let go of his member and practically fell out of bed, pulling the covers off with me. Chace's boner was on full display now, pulled out of his boxers by me and no longer hidden under the sheets.

Fuck, he's huge!

I untangled myself from the covers and quickly tossed them back over his lower half.

He grumbled a bit in slumber before turning over to face away from me. Thank goodness, he didn't wake up during that whole ordeal! Nothing could be more embarrassing than having your roommate get caught accidentally jerking you off!

I was beyond mortified.

How the hell did I end up in Chace's bed anyways?! I looked over to my bed to see that it was a mess of tangled sheets, so clearly it had been slept in at some point. Did I crawl out of my bed last night to slip into Chace's bed?! Was I that drunk?! Why didn't Chace stop me, or force me back into my own bed?! Why did he let me fall asleep in his arms?!

And why did I seem to like it...?

I had never slept so comfortably with another person before. Usually having a woman curl up next to me in bed always felt awkward or left me sore in the morning. But with Chace, we fit so well together. Aside from the throbbing hangover headache, the bump from falling out of bed, and my morning wood, I'd say I woke up relatively pain free. In fact, our dual boners sort of proved how comfortable we felt-

WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING?! Stop thinking of Chace's dick, you perv!

There was a gentle knock on our door. I tucked my boner into my waistband and raced to open it before our guest could wake Chace with a louder knock.

Miriam smiled brightly when she saw my face.

I was startled to find her here, of all places. "Miriam! What are you doing here?"

Her smile faltered slightly. "You invited me... remember? Well, technically you told me to come yesterday, but something came up. I texted you that I'd be by this morning instead..." She took in my completely oblivious stare, and then said, "... didn't you read my messages?"

"Uhhh... no, sorry. I've been sort of preoccupied these last few days, so I must have missed your text messages." I rubbed the back of my neck in discomfort as her smile completely fell away. "So... did we have plans or something?"

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