~:*:~ Seventy-Three ~:*:~

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It was far too early to have someone banging on my door. I was already in a foul mood since I'd barely gotten any sleep last night, too preoccupied with thoughts of Chace and our fight. So this person was really testing my patience as they continued to ignore my hollers to fuck off and threats to call security.

Fed up with this persistent asshole, I jumped out of bed and threw my door open to ricochet off the wall.

Leona was standing there with a frown and a fiery stance to match my own.

"What the fuck is wrong with you this time, huh?!"

I actually laughed, pleased with my accurate assumption. "I knew you'd blame this on me!"

"Then tell me how this isn't your fault, smart ass!" She leaned against the hallway wall and waited patiently, daring me to prove her wrong. When I said nothing, she began to list off her justifiable reasons for blaming me, "You're the one who brought some slut back to the room to fuck, and then you're surprised when she tries to force herself on Chace the next day?! You're also the one who blamed Chace for stealing all of your women, even though he didn't seek them out as you naively want to believe. Because guess what, Ian?! Those bitches are GROWN. ASS. WOMEN. They made their own choices in all this! Lexi chose to hit on Chace despite dating you. Miriam chose to ask him out even though she was your ex-girlfriend. And Angie chose to jump your roommate without his consent!"

"Her name is Angel..." I corrected her unnecessarily. This only made Leona angrier.

"WHO GIVES A FUCK?! Angie, Angel, Asshole... doesn't matter! The point is that those women made up their own minds about how they wanted to treat you and Chace. Poor Chace had nothing to do with it, and it's cruel of you to punish him for something he had no control over! Stop blaming him-"

One of my neighbours opened their door and shouted, "TAKE YOUR ARGUMENT SOMEWHERE ELSE! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!"

Leona, still fired up from yelling at me, turned to this stranger and flipped him off as she shouted back, "FUCK YOU, DUDE! STAY OUT OF OUR SHIT!"

I apologized to him quickly before yanking Leona into my room. Hopefully he wouldn't hold this against me later.

I turned to my attacker and adjusted my voice to a more appropriate volume for this early hour as I continued, "He might not have actively gone after my girls, but you can't deny that he's somewhat at fault given his looks. He's just too handsome and charming for any girl to resist-"

She burst out laughing in a mean way, clearly implying that I was being idiotic. "Are you kidding me, Ian?! You're blaming him because he's too hot to handle?! For fuck sake... well I guess it is his fault! How dare he have the nerve to be born as such a gorgeous specimen of man!?" She stated sarcastically.

Yeah, my reasoning was stupid. I hated that I was punishing Chace for being better looking than me, but what else was I supposed to do? "I just can't have him around me anymore, alright?! He's just going to take every girl I try to date, even if it's unintentional. He'll just walk into the fucking room and I'm toast!"

"So you kicked him out because you lack the confidence to stand by him?"

"No... well, yes. I suppose in a way... but not the way you think... I have confidence, it's just that he's so..." I was getting more and more confused by my motives as I thought it through. Leona certainly had a way of arguing a person out of their decisions. I had already spent most of the night regretting this, but now with Leona on my back I feel like a complete moron.

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