~:*:~ Fifty-Six ~:*:~

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"Dude, where did you get the weed? This is some strong shit!"

Jedson and I were lying on the floor in the middle of his room the next morning. We had the shades drawn to cloak us in darkness and a towel shoved against the base of the door to prevent smoke escape. Getting caught smoking was just as bad, if not worse, as getting caught drinking in the dorms. We had to be careful to make sure the floor leader, security, and Jedson's neighbours didn't suspect anything.

I let out a huge puff of smoke before handing the joint to Jedson, and then said, "That Jesse kid just gave it to me after I went to see him this morning."

After everything that went down last night with Paxton in the bar and at the hotel room, I quickly took a cab back to campus and crashed on Jedson's floor for the night. I wanted to avoid my room for as long as possible, too scared to face Paxton when he got home. I skipped classes this morning to run around the residency office. I asked for a new room in Massey, and then I even tried to find an opening in a completely different building, but I was out of luck. I then went around Massey to see if anyone wanted to switch rooms with me, but most guys were already used to their roommates by now and had no intention of moving now that classes had started.

My last resort was to switch with Jesse and just live on the girl's side with Layne, but Jesse said the residency office already vetoed the idea. Basically the residency office didn't see the point in simply switching one male student for another; too much paperwork for something that still would need to be rectified in the future.

Jesse could tell that I was feeling like shit, so he just handed me a joint to take my edge off. I refused at first since I had no money and didn't want to owe him any favours, but he insisted that it was free of charge and obligation. He's just cool like that...

I brought it back to Jedson's room to share it with him, knowing that he was also in a foul mood and skipping classes. He was having relationship problems of his own ever since he made a public confession at the Freshie Contest yesterday. Bright disappeared with Leona before the crowning ceremony. She texted Jedson to let him know that Bright was as good as can be expected, but that he should keep his distance for now given the explosion of negative online posts and gossip.

It seems that Jedson's plan to publically admit that he was pursuing Bright sort of backfired. He thought that people would finally see that Bright wasn't bewitching or tricking him into a relationship; that it was his choice to like whoever he wanted. But in the end, the videos and photos posted weren't as positive and congratulatory as he'd hoped they'd be. No one shipped their couple or wished them happiness. All the taglines and comments revolved around insulting Bright, feeling pity for Jedson's confusion, plans to split them up for good, and all around hatred and disbelief in the idea that these two could actually be in love.

It didn't help that Jedson won the crown, so now his popularity on campus has skyrocketed even more! His celebrity status was starting to rival Chace's, so it's no wonder all of his female fans wanted to keep his love for themselves.

People can be so fucking delusional.

So here we both were wallowing in our misery with no one to blame but ourselves. Jedson just spent the better part of the last hour lamenting about his problems, so now it was time to share mine. When I banged on his door in the middle of the night, drunk and frantic, Jedson just let me in without demanding an explanation. And this morning he just wordlessly handed me some fresh clothes to borrow when I told him I needed to go to the residency office, knowing that I'd explain things once I had calmed down and was ready.

"I can't live with Paxton anymore..." I admitted.

"I gathered as much."

"... but there are no free rooms anywhere on campus, and no one in a double is willing to switch with me!"

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