~:*:~ Nine ~:*:~

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Layne didn't return yesterday in time to fill me in on her roommate situation. I had to head back to my floor to conduct our meeting, and then in the evening I was in charge of running a few frosh events. Layne was around then, but we were both too preoccupied to talk. I was debating stopping by her room before bed, but then I didn't want to intrude in case she and her roommate needed time to work out whatever the issue was.

But I wasn't worried about things until I noticed that Layne had been avoiding me today. I saw her a few times during the frosh activities, but she always made some excuse to run off whenever I tried to talk to her. I can't imagine her roommate situation being anything that would concern me, so I had to wonder what I did wrong to deserve her evasion. I intended to corner her in her room tonight to get to the bottom of this, but first I had one last event of the day to oversee.

Sexy Bingo was one of our more rated R games during Frosh Week, so it was held late at night and was completely optional. Only the more daring or curious freshman decided to join in on the fun, so it turned out to be a smaller group of about twenty comfortably sitting in the lounge. I stood in front with another female leader to explain the game.

"So our version of Sexy Bingo involves honesty and bravery, ladies and gents! Each of you will be getting a couple of bingo cards that will be used for different rounds. Round one involves imaginative locations that people tend to have sex..."

The freshman began to giggle as they looked over the card.

"Melanie and I will be pulling out slips of paper from this very phallic looking jar..."

This time their laughter was more robust as I revealed the comically large penis jar that had been hidden away behind my back.

I continued, "... and if you have had sex in the location that we call out, you may claim that square with one of your dirty stickers that have been provided with the cards. The first person to get a full line and call bingo wins a prize!"

Everyone seemed excited to play, though most couldn't hide the embarrassment that would also be tied to admitting to such sexual conquests. But that was why this game took courage! There was nothing to be ashamed of; our sexual urges are a natural part of growing up, and it was time that these young adults opened up about it. Games like this were meant to make the conversation of sex more natural and less taboo. It was all in good fun!

"Shall we get started?" Melanie called out with a suggestive smile. "And remember, we trust you all to be honest with your answers. Please don't pretend to have done something just to win the prize."

"We promise!" The freshman sang out in unison.

"Alright then..." I stuck my hand through the tip of the penis jar to root around for the first paper. I pulled it out and read it over with a smile. "This one should be quite popular... I've had sex in a car."

Almost all of the freshmen freely admitted that this was a location that they had frequented with their high school boyfriends or girlfriends, primarily because they were afraid that their parents would walk in on them in their bedrooms.

Layne and I were lucky enough to never have that problem in high school. My parents were rarely home so my bedroom just seemed like the easier place for us to have sex. We never ended up needing the privacy of my car's backseat.

Melanie pulled out the next slip of paper and read aloud, "I've had sex on the beach."

"Do you mean the drink?!" Someone called out as a joke and everyone laughed.

"No, not the drink!" Melanie replied.

Only about three people admitted to this conquest, and they even dared to tell us their stories about how it transpired. Two were romantic and one was comical.

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