~:*:~ Twenty-Six ~:*:~

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It's like I just can't win. If I try to be friends with Jedson, I become public enemy number one on campus and my unwanted reputation returns for another four years of torture. And if I avoid Jedson, I hurt his feelings and my heart feels like it's shattering into a million little pieces. Why can't I just be friends with whoever I want without the rest of the world butting in?!

I had been hiding out in my room ever since the second picture began circulating. It wasn't a very clever hiding spot, but at least it was a space where I could lock myself away. I really only ever came out to sneak into the bathroom, and I was typically able to hold it in until the coast was clear. I had the rest pretty much covered: a bed to sleep in, water from the bathroom tap collected in bottles, my favourite books to re-read, and access to the internet to download a few movies when I got really desperate. The only thing I was running low on was food. I only had a couple of snack bars and a box of cereal in my room before my lockdown. If Jedson thought I looked malnourished before, his jaw would hit the floor if he saw how sickly I looked now.

I was curled up in my bed with my curtains drawn to block out the burning sunlight. My eyes were fluttering rapidly, refusing to just stay shut so I could get some sleep after spending the whole night up in a state of constant contemplation over my plight. My stomach began to rumble as my mouth went dry. I reached for my last bottle of water to find that it was already empty, which meant that it was time to sneak to the bathroom to refill them all.

I pulled myself out of bed with great difficulty, and then I staggered towards the door with a couple of bottles in hand. I felt so dizzy and my eyes couldn't seem to focus. I opened the door with great difficulty.

Jedson was standing there with his hand raised like he was about to knock. I thought I was hallucinating, but when I felt his solid form wrapping around my body to prop me up, I knew that he was real and here to help me.

"Easy there, Bright! Are you feeling alright? Are you sick? What the hell happened to you?!" He sounded so concerned.

"I'm okay. You shouldn't be here-"

He ignored my protest and weak attempt to push him back out the door. He kicked it closed behind him before ushering me towards my desk chair. He then proceeded to pull out the freshly made soup and buns that he brought with him. He moved my laptop aside and laid out the feast on the desk, then pulled out a thermos of hot tea and began to pour. He shoved a spoon into my hand and instructed me to start eating.

I wasn't about to protest. My stomach was grumbling and my mouth was watering heavily when the scent of the broth hit my nostrils.

He sat on the edge of my bed and just watched me shoveling hot food into my mouth.

"Thanks..." I mumbled weakly, embarrassed that he found me in such a state, but even more so because I'd just proven how much I needed him.

"You shouldn't shut yourself in like this, Bright. You need food, water, fresh air, a decent shower..."

"But the photo-"

"You can't let them beat you, Bright! You can't let these bullies turn you into this..." He gestured towards my tired, sickly state, "... you have to show them that you're not bothered by their gossip, and that what you do- what we do- is none of their business! I'm in the pictures too, and yet you don't see me letting it get me down."

I slam the spoon down and face him, ready for another fight. "That's easy for you to say because you're not the one they're trying to hurt! They don't call you Queen, bitch or slut! You're just their handsome King that is being taken advantage of and manipulated by the likes of me... they adore you so much that they want to save you from the humiliation of being associated with me. I'm the problem... I'm the one they publically hate!"

"But I'm the one that's been pursing you-"

"That's not how they see it. I've bewitched you, Jedson."

I meant this as a smartass remark on the way that the campus sees me, but Jedson took it quite seriously. He leaned in to clasp my hands in his, and then looked into my eyes with so much compassion and longing. "Perhaps I am captivated by you... but I don't see what's wrong with that. I can like whomever I choose, and so can you. I know it's hard on you, but you can't let these people defeat you. You can't go on like this."

I take in his features carefully. "You're one to talk... you look worse than you did at the library. Still having trouble sleeping?"

He laughed before admitting, "Actually I slept quite soundly last night, but that was only after I got completely plastered with my friends at a bar off campus. What you're seeing is the gruesome effects of a hangover." He got all serious again as he said, "But I have to admit that the reason for my drinking was you-... or I should say, it was what happened with the photo and my worries on how to fix things with you."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I know that, but I didn't help things by giving those girls something worth photographing."

"I wasn't mad at you, Jedson... I was mad at the situation. That's why I ran away."

"So does that mean you're still okay with us being friends?"

I pulled my hands away and turned my attention back to the soup, not wanting to see his face fall when I said, "I think we should just avoid each other for the time being... let things cool off. I know that we'll have to see each other at rehearsals and meetings for the Freshie Event, but let's just act like acquaintances."

He sounded sad as he said, "You're letting them win, Bright. You're giving them exactly what they want."

"So be it."

"Do you even care about what I want?"

I still refused to look at him, afraid that I'd melt at his heart break and back down from my decision.

He went on, "I've done everything that you've asked to make you more happy and comfortable. I've backed down despite my growing feelings for you, all because you asked me not to fall for you. But now you want me to pull back even further and no longer be your friend? What about what I want, Bright? Do you even care about me?"

It sounded like he was holding back tears. His voice was cracking throughout his speech, and he let slip a small sniffle as he concluded, "No... I suppose not."

I heard the rustling of his clothing and felt the swift breeze of air as he moved from my bed towards the door. "Get some sleep. I don't want to worry about you anymore."

And with those painful parting words, my own tears began to fall into what remained of my soup.

And with those painful parting words, my own tears began to fall into what remained of my soup

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Hello lovelies!!!

Awww poor Jedson 😢
Geeezzzz I'm so mean to these two 😫 Bright and Jedson just can't win!

Do you think Bright made the right decision to keep some distance between them, at least for now?

Or is Jedson right in saying that Bright should stand up for himself and not let the bullies win?

Anyone have a bullying situation they care to share? Or maybe just a time when you felt sad or attacked by something someone did? 😢💔

Thanks for the chat!
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